Sentences with phrase «yap shut»

I never could keep my big yap shut for very long.
Keep your yap shut about it so the non-book-readers can enjoy it, okay?
Els responded by blaming the tour for changing the date of the Volvoand telling Monty to keep his fat yap shut, although not in those exact words.In a kind of Monty - zuma's revenge, Els got food poisoning and missed the cut.Meanwhile, Mickelson and his caddie, Jim MacKay, were also fighting some «stomach cramping and headaches,» so much so that six holes into thethird round MacKay had to hand the bag off to Mickelson's father - in - law, GaryMcBride, and Lefty himself split without signing autographs or speaking to themedia.
Courts can not compel a person to violate the law, and there are laws requiring people to keep their yaps shut (e.g. not reveal state secrets, not violate attorney - client privilege).

Not exact matches

Dayum dying people wan na just keep yapping... shut»em up right... we all know they'll have plenty of time to chat their little mouths off after they're gone... now pay attention to me and stop your interrupting... amen.
Best just to shut it, bow your head, and think about football and women while they yap about mythology.
Hitchj slap, shut your big yap.
When Debuchy got the elbow he went on yapping «how he will get up again» but when Amilfitano went down he kept his piehole shut.
He should shut his yap and be grateful that he was spared the eight years that the prosecution wanted.
Did Schumer effectively tell Andy to shut his yap — what with Chuck, Obama and others supporting the unions out in the Mid-West?
Reynolds (who's been vocal about his desire to reprise the Deadpool character after the missed opportunity that was X-Men Origins: Wolverine) doesn't shut his yap for virtually the entire movie, a difficult task for even the most seasoned onscreen comedians (Jim Carrey and the late Robin Williams took on many a gabby, cartoonish role in their respective careers, and even they had their fair share of missteps).
Outside his tent are the sounds of laughter and of campfire sizzling and popping, of zippers yapping and outhouse doors clapping shut, the sounds slowly diminishing until the silence is punctuated only rarely by a cough, perhaps, or the long, low, wet note from a recently purchased dime - store whoopee cushion.
Why don't u shut yer fucken yap.
Now that our Oompa - Loompa in chief has finally shut his yap about video games and moved on to other ways of being just the absolute worst, we can continue the much - needed discussion on why video games are in fact, probably the leading cause of violence and most likely warping young impressionable male minds all across America.
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