Sentences with phrase «yard vegetable gardens»

Consider many other cities across North America, both big and small, that have laws on the books protecting a homeowner's right to grow a front yard vegetable garden: Vancouver, Portland (OR), Los Angeles and Pasadena, just to name a few.
If a front yard vegetable garden is good enough for Eleanor Roosevelt and Michelle Obama, maybe, just maybe, it's good enough for the rest of us.

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Yes indeed, I remember the days of our huge garden — then we downsized our home and there went the yard and vegetable garden.
You see, I am turning my front yard into a vegetable garden this summer, complete with raised beds, trellised vines, and (hopefully) crazy amounts of tasty food.
We created a vegetable garden in our back yard about two years ago and one if the first things we planted was curly kale.
Another episode finds Bal at the controls of a backhoe, landscaping her yard to make way for a long - planned vegetable garden followed by a festive dinner party to celebrate her bountiful harvest.
Whether you've got houseplants, a flower garden or your very own vegetable crop growing in the back yard, you can enlist your elementary - aged child in taking care of them.
My husband and I are itching to get our vegetable garden planted and add some flowers to our yard.
Vacant lots and public parks became fields of vegetables and many people grew gardens in their front yards or on rooftops.
I am pregnant with # 4, and we have a big yard and vegetable garden.
And, even though that means we have lots of yard work to keep up with, I'm really excited to plant a vegetable garden along with some pretty flowers!
I have gardens, vegetable, fruits and flowers, and enjoy working in the yard.
More than ever people are turning their back yards into green and growing vegetable gardens.
I take care of the kids, raised cattle, plant and take care of 5 acres of vegetable gardens and fruit orchards to help feed my family, keep house, do the finances, help with the regular yard work and generally keep my family healthy and happy.
Whether you've got houseplants, a flower garden or your very own vegetable crop growing in the back yard, you can enlist your elementary - aged child in taking care of them.
He travels extensively with his family and has always been into photography, archeology, collecting ancient Greek and Roman coins, red wine, and tending his fruit trees, vegetable garden, and bird feeders in the back yard.
We all want our furry kids to enjoy playing in the yard, but not at the expense of our prized vegetable garden and beautiful flowerbeds.
As well as the vegetable and herb gardens, there is a beautiful orchard for you to explore and during the summer you will be able to watch the pigs and piglets playing in the traditional pigsty with outdoor yard and mud bath.
A backyard (or front yard for that matter) vegetable garden will certainly give you some self - sufficiency.
A good quality potting soil can make all the difference in container vegetable gardening, as it will be loose and friable enough for optimal root growth, will hold water for longer periods of time than plain ol' dirt from the yard, and will also dry quickly enough (and maintain air spaces within it) to allow the plant's roots to get oxygen.
There's also a large space for a community garden, and each cottage has a yard about the size of a tablecloth where the residents are encouraged to plant flowers, vegetables, or anything else.
Thankfully in our area we can have grey water systems that diverst shower / tub, kitchen sink and washer water to a filtering system that waters the vegetable garden and yard.
Surprise: you can grow a perfectly respectable vegetable garden (in the ground or in containers) and eat fresh food from your own yard or balcony all summer long.
In the far back corner of the yard behind the BBQ, we will be building our own garden boxes to grow vegetables!
The most I have ever done in my yard is a vegetable garden that yielded only beets and corn.
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