Sentences with phrase «yards of compost»

Manure - only Exemption: Some agricultural facilities that digest their own «agricultural material» and do not sell or give away more than 1,000 cubic yards of compost annually are excluded from regulation.
This produces approximately three yards of compost per day.

Not exact matches

This mixture is pumped into a device which separates the manure's solids and liquids (ten cubic yards of manure solids are produced each day, which are hauled to another location, composted, then spread on fields as fertilizer)
Active composting requires that all feedstock (these are the inputs into a compost pile like manure, food waste and yard debris) reach a certain temperature within the pile for a certain length of time.
I started composting this year too, I have a worm bin I built and a yard waste pile I * really * need to turn one of these days.
Right now I have about 12 bags of leaves out on the curb for the city to pick up (and mulch), but I've also saved three bags in my back yard to add to my compost bin as needed.
At my house there is never a shortage of green material (also known as wet or nitrogen - rich matter)-- orange peels, corn husks, dinner food scraps, yard waste, etc. — for my compost bin, but when it comes to finding brown (also known as dry or carbon - rich) material, in the past I've often ended up coming up short.
Disposable products create waste, whether that waste is sent to a landfill for thousands of years, flushed and disposed of through wastewater treatment, or composted and disposed of as yard waste.
Disposable products create waste, whether that waste is sent to a landfill for 1000 years, flushed and disposed of through wastewater treatment, or composted and disposed of as yard waste.
Brown's analysis found that the benefits of composting yard trimmings is less clear on paper, because the speed that the material decomposes depends on location and season.
The variation for yard trimmings makes it hard for the Environmental Protection Agency model to cast a broad generalization of the material's methane production, and thus the overall environmental cost and benefit of composting verses landfilling, Brown said.
The scenario is better for yard waste — grass clippings, leaves and branches — with more than half diverted to compost facilities instead of landfills.
In a collaboration with ranchers and local and state land management organizations called the Marin Carbon Project, she and her students are testing the effects of compost created from city yard waste (such as leaves, branches, and lawn trimmings) and agricultural waste (including manure and cornstalks) on carbon storage.
Of course, I realize that not everyone has their own yard to do this, but with citywide compost dropoff points popping up across the country, it seems easier than ever to keep compost no matter where you live.
On any given day at our home, you may find a herd of 50 elk wandering through our front yard, a bobcat lurking in the backyard, wild turkeys trotting by, raccoons raiding our compost pile, and squirrels in our attic.
In the basement, crawl space or yard, there will be a series of systems that replace the centralized urban sewer system; there will be a hatch to gain access to the composting toilet poop storage.
That said; I like the idea of composting waste and tossing the compost out in yard for the grass / trees instead of having a sewer or septic system.
Dr. Roley designed the Laguna Hills Leisure World yard waste composting project, Ecology Farms vermicomposting site and has consulted on integrated green waste management projects for the Counties of Orange, Los Angeles, San Diego and Ventura.
A compost pile is a teeming community of microorganisms that help break down yard debris into compost.
Even a young tree begins to provide a wealth of benefits to both people and wildlife, and by the time a tree is full grown, it can shade an entire yard or feed an entire family many times over, with very little input other than water and perhaps some compost.
About 61 percent of yard trimmings were composted.
Compost Connection's mission is collection and delivery of yard waste to be used in the recycling process for reusable products.
If you can't stand the idea of clippings breaking down in your yard, rake them up and use them in your compost bin or as mulch in your flower beds.
We are doing quite a bit — here are a few: — use a bucket to collect water while the shower is heating up, then use that water on plants in the yard — unplug anything that isn't being used — recycle & compost so very little goes in the «trash» — eliminated paper plates — using rags / towels instead of paper towels — mopping and cleaning with vinegar — making our own laundry detergent in a recycled bucket Love all of the tips — even if I don't win!
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