Sentences with phrase «year and decades»

How much they will change will depend on numerous feedbacks, not the least the kinds that we ourselves as humans will introduce in years and decades and centuries to come.
Through climate modelling — using computer technology to predict climatic changes over years and decades in much the same way as tomorrow's weather is forecast.
Exposure to asbestos is dangerous in part because it does not cause obvious irritation; contamination manifests itself over the course of years and decades, not days.
This will likely ensure it modest growth in the coming years and decades.
To see abortion as a magic wand that brings relief but no pain is to ignore the pain of countless women who suffer for years and decades after abortion.
So here's to the seconds, minutes, hours, months, years and decades ahead.
Here, we talk about how to stay in the «honeymoon phase» zone, even years and decades after saying «I do».
But when you follow something for many years and decades, naturally you get involved in it, especially for those who have spent time and money supporting a team and its players.
We remember our births so vividly years and decades later and feelings come rushing back.
And those choices were made, not just over months, but over years and decades as well.
You're talking about years and decades of expertise and technical knowledge.
How are the changes, which happened to storage media within the last years and decades, questioned through artistic processing?
Even though there was little evidence at the time, the low - fat diet has actually been thoroughly studied in the past few years and decades.
As years and decades pass, I hope it is remembered as one of the genre's great films like 2001: A Space Odyssey.
You do that by tapping into the long - term growth that inevitably comes to well - established companies when they operate in relatively free economies during relatively prosperous years and decades.
The new year and decade are right around the corner and art spaces are gearing up for their first shows of 2010.
As new data comes in, changes are made that cascade back years and decades.
The resume standards not always been like this, resume history has been transforming through years and decades until reached the modern notion of it.
But it's also easy to feel like you need to learn everything about real estate investing before actually doing a deal and then years and decades can go by.
You may have reasonable expectations of what you can expect from your investments during the coming years and decades.
We forget, but history shows us that these periods last for years and decades.
We don't know what exactly will happen as waters warm, as ice melts, as temperatures rise over years and decades.
The one thing that is certain is that significant changes are coming to the profession in future years and decades.
The following years and decades would produce some of Angelou's best work.
His recollection of details from years and decades ago: nearly perfect.
It is tempting to submit to the mob rule of #MeToo, of a tweet, a news story, even a rumour to immediately terminate the employment of an employee or manager for an indiscretion alleged by one or more accusers (with unproven motives) to have occurred many years and decades ago.
The decisions we make in the next years and decades are likely to determine whether or not coral reefs survive the rest of this century,» Caldeira said.
Current obligations are due to reforms necessitated by the Wall Street crash of recent years and a decade of public employers not contributing to the system while employees contributed 3 percent of salary;
Long - term strategies should be built not on «visions» of the future but instead on the premise that longer term predictions (that is, forecasts of situations years and decades out), however presently credible, will probably prove wrong.
I'm sure many developers saw the opportunity at hand, but the public was completely unaware that entire multimillion dollar startups were about to be born over the coming years and decades built entirely on just a couple phone marketplaces.
Happy belated birthday and I wish you a wonderful year and decade ahead.
Theirs is a quiet kind of desperation, brought on by years and decades of repressing their issues — either because they can or will not talk about them because of expectations from others.
Perhaps that's partly why this franchise elicits a measured response from me; no new family film has any chance of besting the shows and episodes retained enough to adore years and decades later.
Jack Shonkoff, director of the Center on the Developing Child and a professor at Harvard University, constantly explores the research and scientific evidence on children's «toxic stress response» and the impact this neurobiological system has on brain development and the development of disease years and decades later.
Policymakers will benefit from research showing effects over multiple years and decades.
If Hormel can realize this type of growth, its results will bode well for dividend growth investors, who can likely expect many more years and decades of consistent payout increases.
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