Sentences with phrase «year as a preventive measure»

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Even so, the city pledged $ 21 million to a three - year plan to fight Zika that includes funding for research and testing of mosquitoes as well as preventive measures.
Some women who test positive commit to more frequent check - ups and mammograms (perhaps two times a year); others opt to take one of two estrogen - blocking drugs (tamoxifen or raloxifene); still others decide to have their breasts and / or their ovaries removed as a prophylactic — or preventivemeasure.
Thus, the complete vaccination schedule must be performed within the very first year of life with several other periodical vaccines attributed as preventive measure once per year.
Protective Measures The key to providing year - round protection against feline heartworm disease — especially in the warm, muggy sections of the U.S. where mosquitoes proliferate — is the routine administration of such preventive medications as selamectin, milbemycin and ivermectin to all cats in a household.
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