Sentences with phrase «year flood plane»

If the geologist is wrong, then the 500 year flood plane determination is wrong.
It means that every year there is a 1 in 500 chance that a flood will occur that has the ability to cover a land area that is up to the 500 year flood plane level.
How far back in time do you go geologically to estimate a 500 year flood plane statistically; 500, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000 years?
Claims of excessive 500 year flooding show a clear lack of understanding of what a 500 year flood plane determination actually means, how it's derived, and how to use it.

Not exact matches

In addition to repairs on the factory, it has rebuilt pier bulkheads destroyed by the storm, and will move new residential and commercial construction on the lot above the Federal Emergency Management's redrawn flood plane, which now calculates for 100 - year storms.
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