Sentences with phrase «year forecasts useful»

We hope investors find our five - year forecasts useful in managing expectations about their existing portfolios, and perhaps also in creating winning combinations of strategies, positioned for future — not based on past — success.

Not exact matches

Taking a closer look at the recently - passed temporary budget is useful in forecasting the likely path forward for next year's budget.
Despite the error in the 10 - year forecast, as an investor I would find it more useful than the perfect 1 - year forecast.
For forecasts of the timing and extent of the coming cooling based on the natural solar activity cycles — most importantly the millennial cycle — and using the neutron count and 10Be record as the most useful proxy for solar activity check my blogpost linked above, The most important factor in climate forecasting is where earth is in regard to the quasi - millennial natural solar activity cycle which has a period in the 960 — 1020 year range.For evidence of this cycle see Figs 5 - 9.
Given that hindcasts giving such detail can be made back several hundred years from the heliocentric planetary ordering of the daily - weekly solar signal, such NAO / AO based forecasts can be produced for any useful range.
The notion of «100 years left» being a useful production forecasting method is well outdated, and has been since the 50s.
TCR is more useful than ECS for forecasting temperature in 2100 since for the 70 years from now to 2085 CO2 will initially be increasing by 0.7 % a year, subsequently rising to 1.7 % by 2085, making 1 % a plausible middle ground if you feel obliged for some reason to use TCR.
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