Sentences with phrase «year observation time»

We also have around 10 nights per year observation time on bigger telescopes in public and professional observatories, which allows us to employ a narrow band methane filter to detect fireballs in Jupiter's upper atmosphere more efficiently.

Not exact matches

He had thought that launching in the holiday shopping spree might be a boon for his campaign, but «the obvious hindsight observation is that one of the coldest months of the year is not the time to trying to get people excited about coolers,» said Grepper.
«We'd love to proclaim these numbers as definitive evidence of a real downshift in the trend in claims, but it's even riskier than usual to put too much weight on single observations at this time of year,» says Shepherdson.
«After years of first hand observation, I am convinced beyond a shadow of doubt of the counterintuitive notion that one astute individual has five times the investment decision - making capacity of a committee of five persons who, individually, are equally endowed intellectually» Frank Martin
During the whole course of this year, when I almost unceasingly kept asking myself how to end the business, whether by the rope or by the bullet, during all that time, alongside of all those movements of my ideas and observations, my heart kept languishing with another pining emotion.
One of these years they will be right about that, but, on the basis of my own observation, that is likely a long time off.
One interesting observation to be gained from these figures is that the paid - time religious programs had reached the peak of their influence, numerically at least, almost three years before most public attention was given to them in the election year of 1980.
That said, I don't consider an observation of Yule (fact: this was a Germanic pagan tradition LONG before the birth of Christ) or Eostre / Ishtar / Easter (all sorts of convoluted Roman and pagan traditions regarding celebration of spring and death / resurrection were happening around this time of year prior to Christ's existence) to be favoring one religion over another, since so many different religions are involved in those mixes.
However, at the same time, his position with the national team could prove to be an advantage for United, as he may already have some players in mind that he would like to bring to England thanks to first hand observations as Oranje manager during last year's World Cup qualifiers.
Yet despite its high public visibility and near - ubiquity in blockbuster Hollywood science fiction, throughout most of its 55 - year history SETI has languished on the fringes of scientific research, garnering relatively scant funding and only small amounts of dedicated observation time on world - class telescopes.
Observations made between 2002 and 2009 show that the time between transits is shortening by 60 milliseconds per Earth year, say Elisabeth Adams of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and colleagues (Astrophysical Journal, vol 721, p 1829).
Going beyond this specific demonstration, if this approach, known as acoustic seafloor geodesy, proves to be robust in the long term (in this case, three to five years are planned, within the limits of the autonomy of the batteries), it could be included within a permanent underwater observatory as an addition to other observations (seismology, gas bubble emission, etc) for in situ real - time monitoring of the activity of this particular fault, or of other active submarine faults elsewhere in the world.
«This dust - formation process can occur continuously for years, with the dust slowly building up over time, which aligns with astronomer's observations of varying amounts of dust surrounding the sites of stellar explosions,» added lead author Liu.
Shipboard observations revealed that Mexican, Colombian, and Venezuelan vessels set nets around dolphins more than 7600 times a year, chasing 9.3 million dolphins.
From their observations, the astronomers conclude that this extreme cluster most probably contains no less than 100,000 times the mass of the Sun, and all of its stars are located within a region less than 6 light - years across.
Except, that is, for rules hammered out early in the telescope's development, which allow the researchers performing these «Guaranteed Time Observations» to keep their results to themselves for a one - year period.
Even when there doesn't happen to be an overpass at surge time, the statistics of sea level that we got from more than 20 years of repeated altimetric observations in the area can still be combined with data from nearby tide gauges to improve the forecasts of the expected surge.»
«Various observations of one particular star over the years and with different telescopes have revealed vastly different things — at one time a pulsar and the other an X-ray binary,» said Alessandro Papitto of the Institute of Space Sciences (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas — Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya) in Barcelona, Spain, and lead author of a paper published in the journal Nature.
For the first time since exoplanets, or planets around stars other than the sun, were discovered almost 20 years ago, X-ray observations have detected an exoplanet passing in front of its parent star.
Engineering to ready the telescope for full use took up most time on Keck until January; last year it notched up only 15 to 20 nights of scientific observations, says Gillingham.
Study participants whose genome exhibited an «unfavorable» methylation status at five or more of these sites had a risk of death within the 14 - year observation period that was seven times that of study participants whose methylation at these positions showed no abnormalities.
The computers will then «learn» what kind of land cover, what timing pattern of greening and what human densities best predict bird presence, and generate a million more simulated observations for each species: points where it is predicted to be either present or absent at different times throughout the year.
«The Subaru observations of Jupiter so far this year have been timed to coordinate with the greatest benefit to Juno mission,» said Glenn Orton, PI for the portion of the Keck Telescope exchange time with the Subaru Telescope and coordinator for Earth - based observations supporting the Juno project at JPL.
Last year the team reported in the Journal of Geophysical Research that the amount of aerosols in ATAL had tripled since 1996, the earliest time when they appeared in satellite observations.
At the moment, Kaiser says, the trailing STEREO orbiter sees areas of the sun that will be visible from Earth in about three days, but in two years» time the twin spacecraft will be separated by 180 degrees, allowing simultaneous observation of the entire sun for the first time.
Post began his observations on the relationship between the timing of caribou calving and the start of the plant - growing season in Greenland 20 years ago.
Last year's blockbuster observations of two neutron stars merging revealed a collapse as it happened, enabling four different groups to converge on the maximum mass — about 2.2 times that of the sun.
By monitoring a small, nearby star for 11 years with one of the 10 - meter Keck telescopes in Hawaii and combining the data with 4.3 years of similar observations published by another team, Vogt and his co-authors found two orbiting planets, with respective masses of at least 3.1 times and seven times the mass of Earth.
The new Hubble observations reveal that the dark tendrils of dust encircling the galactic core have a width of about 200 light - years, and a density roughly 10 times greater than the surrounding gas.
Our new -LCB- \ em Spitzer -RCB- observations were taken two years after the original K2 discovery data and have a significantly higher cadence, allowing us to derive improved estimates for this planet's radius, semi-major axis, and orbital period, which greatly reduce the uncertainty in the prediction of near future transit times for the -LCB- \ em James Webb Space Telescope -RCB--LRB--LCB- \ em JWST -RCB--RRB- observations.
... For the first time in more than 30 years, the simplest inflationary models, including those described in standard textbooks, are strongly disfavored by observations
That same year, using six months of observations from ground - based amateur - style telescopes, scientists announced GJ 1214b, a planet 6.5 times more massive than Earth and 2.7 times wider.
The new RSS v4 TLT record makes a number of changes to the time of observation correction, as well as corrections for the change in instruments that measure temperature from microwave sounding units (MSU) to advanced microwave sounding units (AMSU) sensors, which occurred around the year 2000.
I hope maintaining these two custom - built transporters properly will make it possible to continue ALMA observations on the land of Atacama for 25 years, 35 years, or for a longer period of time.
It requires that the Sun's brightness increased more in the past century than at any time in the past millennium, including over the past 30 years, contrary to the direct space - based observations.
«And though the HARPS team was able to hit the star with much higher cadence over the past 6 years, our early observations more than doubled the overall time base of the data set, enabling much stronger constraints to be placed on the planet solutions.»
We've seen evolution via real - time observations and ordered series of fossils; evolution could be falsified by finding fossils out of place, such as that of a rabbit in 400 million - year - old sediments; and evolution certainly makes predictions (Darwin predicted, correctly, that human ancestors evolved in Africa).
In the time since launching two years ago, the probes have discovered a third radiation belt, and other observations have helped explain how particles in the belts can be sped up to nearly the speed of light.Image Caption and Credit: NASA
Because Pluto has 56 days for every Earth year, it takes almost week for it to complete a single rotation giving us an interesting data set By spreading out those observations over 14 days, there's enough information to see how the surface changes over a time.
Although the emission frequency of the more distant objects becomes lower due to the expansion of the universe, the ALMA Telescope is designed to receive millimeter waves in a frequency range lower than submillimeter waves observed this time, which means this identification method can be applied to objects even 10 billion light years away and will be a competent observation method in the ALMA Era when there will be a dramatic advancement in the research of distant galaxies.
The researchers combined these observations into a simple model, using only solar energy and waiting time since the previous interglacial, that was able to predict all the interglacial onsets of the last million years, occurring roughly every 100,000 years.
On June 24, 2009, astronomers submitted a paper summarizing observations which reveals that Star A reverses its magnetic poles every two years (some 11 times faster than our Sun, Sol), possibly because of the close orbit of its Jupiter - class planetary companion (Fares et al, 2009; and Unknown, New Scientist, July 13, 2009).
Despite these observational challenges, astronomers have successfully spotted many thousands of such microlensing events as part of various comprehensive deep - sky surveys during the last couple decades which have monitored hundreds of millions of stars for many years at a time, like the MACHO Collaboration project, the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics, or MOA, and the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment, or OGLE.
Astronomers from almost all over the world worked against the clock to present their observation proposals on time for the new cycle that begins in October this year and ends in September 2018.
NOAA's 2008 State of the Climate report said 15 or more years without global warming would indicate what was delicately described as a «discrepancy» between prediction and observation, we've achieved that length of time now.
The research team, led by Shigehisa Takakuwa, used the ALMA telescope to observe the baby - twin star L1551 NE [1], located in the constellation of Taurus at a distance of 460 light years, with a 1.6 times better imaging resolution and a 6 times better sensitivity than those of their previous observations with the SubMillimeter Array (SMA).
Believed to have developed approximately 10 billion years ago, observations in the study suggest it has a mass equal to 90 times that of Jupiter, which makes it the biggest brown dwarf ever discovered.
At the present time the teams which are observing on the GTC, as well as those around the world, are waiting for Tabby's star to wake up again, and show stronger dimming, from 10 % to 20 % as found in the observations from Kepler over 5 years ago.
Recent observations indicate that in the next 100 million years, the galaxy will move though the disk of the Milky Way again possibly for the 11th time (more at APOD or JHU).
This week Catalystathletics shared Ask Greg: Slow Learning & Slow Lifting a great article with some really valuable points, that align with my observations over the last years, such as «Not everyone will be a good lifter, whatever you do...» or ««People tend to invest not enough time in technique training, because it's boring, but on the flipside don't make the necessary improvements.»
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