Sentences with phrase «year old computer»

I am a 20 year old Computer science student who believes in breaking boundaries and not being put in just one box of «expertise.»
«Daniel is a 35 year old computer programmer from Pittsburgh who lives a busy life.
The actual cash value of your three year old computer is about fifty bucks.
For example, a three year old computer would not fetch much money from an insurer if the renter carried ACV coverage, but someone with full replacement protection would get a check for the average cost of a new machine at current market prices, less deductible.
For example, you may have paid $ 1,000 for your home computer five years ago; but with depreciation you could buy a five year old computer for only $ 300.
Generally, the policy protects the current - market value of the items — for example, if your three - year old computer was purchased for $ 1,200 but is now only worth $ 600, you would receive $ 600 in reimbursement.
A two year old computer should be able to play this game.
world or warcraft, call of duty 4, and a 5 - year old computer are all i need........
On my 5 year old computer, the original Dishonored game plays perfectly smooth motion graphics, but Dishonored 2's motion graphics are very jaggy, so I'm a little disappointed (none of the graphics options make it any better).
Working at Ubisoft is my life goal: S I'm currently a 20 year old Computer Science student, I've tried playing around in SFML and Unity.
To run Assassin's Creed as smoothly and as visually appealing as it looks on the console counterparts (Let's assume Hi - def televisions since the resolution on standard televisions are so low, even a five year old computer monitor would make it look better), one would need a computer built by God's father.
What's the ACV of your three year old computer?
The actual cash value of your three year old computer is about fifty bucks.
That two year old computer might be worth half of what you paid for it, in a best case scenario.
Like fifteen year old computer slow.
I'm Jessica, a 21 year old computer engineering major at UT Austin.

Not exact matches

Apple ships its current, top - of - the - line MacBook Pro with 16 GB, but you can match that on a computer that's six - years - old for under $ 100.
Saujani, whose six - year - old organization is tackling the gender gap in tech by training young girls in computer science, encouraged the nation's business leaders to double down on the effort in a wide - ranging panel discussion on attracting and retaining diverse talent.
The six - year - old company is known for its white, cube - shaped card readers that plug into smartphones and tablet computers, turning them into electronic sales terminals.
The 42 - year - old is the son of a computer operator at Harvey Electronics, one of New York City's premier dealers in fancy audio - visual equipment.
Lots of satellites have 10 - year - old computers
In a decision that can only be described as touchy, a Brazilian judge has reportedly ruled that a 36 - year - old female accountant can legally masturbate at work and watch porn on her work computer.
As a 12 - year - old growing up in the South African city of Pretoria with divorced parents, Musk created a video game, Blaster, and sold it to a computer magazine for the ungodly sum of $ 500.
After all, in 2005, when he founded the site with two college friends in a rundown loft in Brooklyn, Kalin was a marginally employed 24 - year - old classics major with no money, no connections, and no knowledge of computer programming.
Today, the 29 - year - old is the CTO and co-founder of San Francisco - based Discord, a voice, video, and text chat platform that connects individuals with a shared passion for video and computer games.
But back in the day, in 1998, she was just an 18 - year - old computer geek, sitting in her dream class at her dream school, getting the stink eye from her computer science professor and trying not to cry.
The problem is that a computer still isn't as a good at identifying what's in a picture as Schroepfer's three - year - old son.
He started a business when he was 15 years old as a computer consultant in Bath, England in 1996.
God knows what you would do to get 13 - year - old girls interested in computers.
«Julius is really fascinated by computers,» says the company's 29 - year - old co-founder and president, William M. «Trip» Hawkins — a basketball buff who got the idea after spending «a lot of Sundays just waiting to see Dr. J make a neat move.»
The 18 - year - old was arrested on suspicion of blackmail; the other four were arrested on suspicion of offences under the Computer Misuse Act.
I was eleven years old when my family got its first computer in 1981.
After struggling for years as electronics shoppers shifted online, RadioShack filed for bankruptcy on Thursday, marking an ignominious end for the 94 - year - old retailer that had sold the first mass - market computer.
Croatian police said that a 19 - year - old Croat, whom they described as the owner of, was detained on charges of «serious criminal acts against computer systems, programs and data» that carry a possible sentence of one to eight years in prison.
Orr shouted at his son for keeping him, his wife, Teresa, and their 11 - year - old daughter, Adria, waiting to eat, and threatened to take away Alvin's computer.
The four - year, $ 71 - million upgrade replaced all of the old computer software used for CWB's day - to - day operations.
It was an eye - opening experience for DiBenedetto's 9 - year - old daughter, who heard from a few young teenagers that to finish their homework, they had to go to the library to access computers — and that, sometimes, enough computers weren't available or they had no transportation there, so they weren't able to complete their assignments.
An 18 - year - old takes the science world by storm, a teenager develops a computer algorithm to diagnose leukemia and another teenager wins a fellowship to skip college and build a crowdfunding platform.
The firm, a so - called quantitative hedge fund that uses computer models to drive trading, is shuttering the eight - year old, $ 1 billion portfolio at the end of the month, according to a letter sent to investors on Tuesday and read to Reuters.
Experiences will range from building activities for the younger kids, for example the 6 - year - olds will be programming robot cars and creatures to live on an imaginary planet, to computer programming for the older kids.
According to a police report, she said 14 - year - old Nikolas had refused to go to school that day, so she took away his Xbox «privileges» and stashed the computer game system in her vehicle.
The 70 - year - old Trump is not digitally savvy — there isn't even a computer on his office desk.
The Monarch School of New England, which serves children with special needs, had about 24 aging computers at its Rochester, N.H. campus, ranging from seven to 10 years old.
He got help coming up to speed with bitcoin from his 31 - year - old son, Justin, who works in bank computer programming and has been investing in the currency.
This week, a computer program fooled 33 percent of judges at the University Reading into believing that they were chatting with a real - life 13 - year - old boy from Ukraine, thus passing the «Turing Test» for artificial intelligence.
To the moron posting using my alias... you're what 12 years old maybe and sneaking on the computer after Mommy and Grandpa spent a night drinking and are passed out drunk?
Five year olds should never be allowed unsupervised access to mommy's computer.
If computers work, the world is older than 10K years.
I like the science that creates vaccines, x-rays, Novocain, Radio, internal combustion engines, computers, and cell phones, but I don't like the (same) science that says the earth is 4.5 Billion Years old.
A new computer sits with darkened screen, with bells and whistles I don't want or need, while I fire up the five - year - old machine that suits my comfort zone (except for speed).
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