Sentences with phrase «years after the fact»

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac continue under government conservatorship, eight years after the fact, and are still paying all their profit back to the U.S. Treasury, ironically putting them in danger of needing another bailout.
«Pick an age at which you had enough money to get by, and continue to live like you are that age for years after the fact.
Heck I just the other day finally got a new take on the idea of «two become one» in Genesis, the gospels, and Paul — and that's 14 years after the fact I first heard that scripture.
They're all different, they're contradictory, and they were written by Gentiles who had already internalized Paul's views of Jesus — years after the fact.
Hearsay from 200 years after the fact in a relgious text - the only references to him that are even close to contemperous - does not count as evidence.
Considering that these stories were written 80 - 100 years after the fact.
its really easy to get prophecy right when the bible was written hundreds of years AFTER the fact
the article is irresponsible in not making clear to the reader that these images were created hundreds of years after the fact by enemies of Christ (Romans) who subsequently saw it as political beneficial to gain political control of the otherwise uncontrollable christian cult for the purpose of expanding the roman empire.
People look back at the original Greek thousands of years after the fact and claim that it means something different to what the traditional meaning was believed to be, even if that belief has been held since that actual time of the original texts.
Nobody saw the evengelists writing their accounts of the bible — It is impossible to prove who wrote it 2000 years after the fact — But what we do have is faith, for this no proof is needed.
that's true of myths — which are normally written 100s of years after the fact, with virtually no access to the historical reality itself.
He was at least 60 years after the fact.
Right now it's one man's word 10 years after the fact.
But, even if written by Josephus in 94ad that is still some 60 years after the fact, when all the principals players have long since died and all that's left is stories.
To think that these events would not be recorded for some 60 - 90 years after the fact is preposterous.
If you could go the a graveyard and raise granny up from the dead, would you expect no one to record these events until 60 - 90 years after the fact?
You can't use that it was fabricated 50 years after the fact because Paul mentions the empty tomb 5 - 15 years after the event, and invites people to call him out on it to the entire church body.
You're using a book that is not factual, has no proof other than itself, and was written by men 100's of years after the fact.
If I remember correctly: four historians make note of him, but one of those accounts was proven a forgery written nearly 1000 years after the fact.
Imagine furthermore that rather than living 2000 years after the fact, you were a Jewish person who lived at the time of Jesus.
They seem to think that a translation of the Bible written over a thousand years after the fact, and hundreds of years before today, somehow accurately transmits the original message.
I other words, if John the Mediocre's activities were recorded as they happened but Jane the Magnificent's activities didn't get written down for 5 years after the fact, then even with copy errors and such, John's docu.mentation may be more reliable even if the earliest known docu.ment is more recent that Jane's earliest.
There were eyewitness accounts from within the last two hundred years, surely they are more reliable than accounts written some twenty years after the fact more than two thousand years ago, right?
It is like taking the word of an unknown Branch Davidian about what happened to David Korsesh at Waco — 35 years after the fact.
but don't take my word for it, go read some other books by people that have researched this stuff,,, OR, wait until you hear about it on CNN some 1,900 years after the fact
Considering John didn't write the gospel, a trained Greek scribe did and that was about 90 years after the fact.....
It is like taking the word of an unknown Branch Davidian about what happened to David Koresh at Waco — who wrote 35 years after the fact and wasn't there.
And 10 years after the fact, I'm happy to say that each new sweet recipe I bring to you is one I truly do love and enjoy in my own kitchen.
It feels silly to get all bracketological three years after the fact.
Every so often, though, I write something I think about constantly, years after the fact.
Is if I am asked to remember a therapy session three years after the fact, and those therapists originally made me very, very upset with the way they conducted therapy, then my retrospective memories are very likely to be influenced by that.
Anyways, I'm sticking with it and I'll keep you posted as the months come in, but thought I'd share for those of you wanting a new approach to losing baby weight — even if it's two years after the fact.
Many fathers have been «blindsided» by these orders many years after the fact.
Delayed cord clamping has immense health benefits for baby, even years after the fact.
Eliot Spitzer from last night shows, the battle over Troopergate seems to keep going, even five years after the fact.
Interestingly, many years after the fact, I am now being described as part of a team of «valiant persons».
FRIGHT Looking back on the moment from years after the fact, Yellowtail can still recall every detail with perfect clarity.
Onsager's tour de force calculation is now legendary, although he published it only 2 years after the fact.
I've been hearing from numerous friends and acquaintances that they have been diagnosed with Lyme's, sometimes years after the fact.
(Sorry if that was somehow a spoiler, 20 - plus years after the fact.)
Remembering to laugh together is absolutely essential: it creates an incredibly strong sense of camaraderie between the two of you and can form the basis of private jokes that will keep on bonding you together years after the fact.
More than 20 years after the fact, 2017's I, Tonya attempts to depict this situation from the side of Harding and those connected to her.
An unofficial prequel to All the President's Men some 41 years after the fact, The Post stirringly dramatizes the tale of how The Washington Post and its equivocating owner rose to the occasion by publishing the Pentagon Papers in June of 1971.
Gillespie begins many years after the fact, with Tonya (Margot Robbie), her mother LaVona (Allison Janney), her ex-husband Jeff (Sebastian Stan), and a Hard Copy producer (Bobby Cannavale) giving to - the - camera interviews about The Incident.
Which is why there's danger in following up a hit comedy with a sequel, even nine years after the fact.
That, of course, is combined with the game's surprisingly good animation and visuals, which shows the 3DS still has some life left in it seven years after the fact.
The series stars Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid in the «Harry Potter» films) as Paul Finchley, half of famous TV comedy duo, who is accused of rape years after the fact.
What: There are so many ways a based - on - a-true-story movie of real - life heroics can go wrong, especially one that revisits a national tragedy not even five years after the fact.
«Christine «It appears that the story of Christine Chubbuck, the Sarasota TV news reporter who shot herself live on air, is having its moment at a film festival forty years after the fact.
These story introductions, I will admit, bothered me too, until I gave it some thought and came to the realization that, by framing the entire tale as if narrated by an old Tonto many years after the fact, that there is indeed a plausible explanation other than just Depp's star power.
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