Sentences with phrase «years my kids now»

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The Alpina was built by Marcel Bach, a former farmer who capitalized on his land and now seems to own much of the village, and Jean - Claude Mimran, an agriculture billionaire who moved to Gstaad to be closer to his three sons who were attending Le Rosey, the until - recently Canadian - owned $ 100,000 - per - year private school that specializes in teaching kids how to be properly rich.
The phenomenon of Brooklynization has officially reached the point where the cool kids who couldn't shut up about it 10 years ago now dismiss it as fad.
While the plans to build your own TieFi are real (it calls for a tiny Raspberry Pi computer and some software customizations), the launch is a stunt — a tongue - in - cheek reminder to close the laptop and spend some time with your kids this Father's Day, lest you find yourself Cat's Cradled a few years from now.
Now in its ninth year, Aspen Heights» MicroSociety helps teach kids, their families and the community at large about conservation and environmental stewardship.
The ravages of older age take more of a toll on us all each year, with previously good friends now finding all of their time taken up by kids and family, a never - ending crush of career - related busy - ness, or just plain, simple laziness.
This gap is slowly closing, as data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that women with children now make slightly more than women without kids under 18 at home, which wasn't the case a year ago.
Instead of letting it be like a kid who spends years looking up at the sky dreaming of blasting off into space as an astronaut one day, not really knowing what that would entail — or if they would even like it — why not let her explore it now?
Now that I've been married for eleven years and have two kids, the issues inherent in this phase are what I think and write about.
«I have been in entertainment and branding for 25 years now, but this is a whole other language that most people don't know, and to be able to teach this to kids that don't have the Harvard education is a beautiful thing because it's not just about owning your life, it's not about owning property,» Lopez said.
At the end of last year, Facebook has introduced Messenger Kids - a special version of messenger designed for kids under 13 years which is focused on protecting kids» privacy.The app was first launched for iOS only, but is noKids - a special version of messenger designed for kids under 13 years which is focused on protecting kids» privacy.The app was first launched for iOS only, but is nokids under 13 years which is focused on protecting kids» privacy.The app was first launched for iOS only, but is nokids» privacy.The app was first launched for iOS only, but is now...
I'm sure there's a lot of ink on these in today's papers, mainly around proposals to raise the retirement age (which we actually did two years ago, except the Trudeau government reversed it, but now evidence - based policy FTW, as the kids say).
Now I have four revenue streams, paid for my kids to attend college (with very little student loan debt — about $ 46,000 in total) and my business debt has dropped to just over $ 300,000 — and will continue to decline every year.
In Ontario, for example, full - day kindergarten now covers children as young as three or four years old, which greatly reduces demand for formal child care for kids that age.
We are adult third culture «kids» who have spent all of our developmental years abroad... and then returned to our HOME country, where we must endure the commonplace ignorance and poorly educated adults who lack any interest in foreign policy and base all their opinions on what only goes on in their own backyard... Please give your head a good shake and crack open a book every little now and then!
I used to be catholic I believed in God as a kid but when I grew older I turned my back on God have not even been to church in 5 to 6 years now could this be a sign or is it a allusion I am making into a big deal which really ai nt that big of a deal maybe I gone insane I don't know I don't want to sound like I'm bragging to seek attention for this which I am not I am simply just looking for some insight on why this has occurred to me.
I fought for my kids to get money for years and now I am taking it into my own hands getting my Masters and will pull us out of poverty.
I could not narrow down the books properly, so the compromise is this: a post now for picture books, and a post later today of the chapter books for the 4 - 7 year old kids, and no baby board books at all.
I have a Dan Marino jersey that is now too small for my 11 - year - old that was mine when I was a kid.
1 year — Somewhere around your kid's overly decorated and gigantically stressful first birthday party, you and your wife will begin asking the question, «What now
I did my first meeting at 14... I'm now 32, got 2 kids a good job and I'm married to a beautiful caring women that has been sober for the last 5 years.
20 years from now this kid's children will have another version of Jesus to embrace, and the debate will continue.
We believe God led us back last year (12 years later, this time with our 2 kids in tow), though now without any straight church affiliations, just spiritual support of mentors and friends.
Two years from now, no one will know or care who won what at this tournament, but these kids will all know that they have the moral fiber to stand up for their beliefs.
inspiring: Make - A-Wish kid is now a doctor — and 20 years later she's working in the hospital that saved her life
I married a Christian man who has changed a lot over the last 14 years, and now does not attend church with our kids and me, since about five years ago or so.
Now in its fourth year, Bedstock is a one - of - a-kind, life changing music festival, where artists play from bed for sick kids stuck in theirs.
But he answered his father, Think how many years I have served you, and I have not disobeyed your orders, but you never gave me a kid so that I could have a feast with my friends, and now when your son comes, who wasted your property with prostitutes, you kill the fatted calf for him.
«When Jesus came into the world, there was no celebration, nothing was going on,» said Spieker, who was a «pastor's kid» in West Germany 20 years ago and is now a journalist at a television station in Berlin.
I am mindful of that weekend now because I have twins who are high school seniors, and I realize that the clock is counting down to the weekend next year when my wife and I will drop off our kids and make that long drive home as empty - nesters.
You have inspired me to be refined sugar and process food free for almost a year now, and it gives me great energy for my kids!!
i follow your blog for several years now and was inspired at how easily (it seems) it is to travel with kids.
Now, over these last 18 years of watching movies with my kids, I've learned a several things.
Now that my kids are older (my daughter is eight and my son is 11 years old), I am fully enjoying that they are old enough to manage their days without me hovering by them or arranging their entire schedules.
I totally used to put ketchup on my mac when I was a kid... I'm probably going to sound crazy now, but we haven't had ketchup in our fridge in a few years and seeing this post makes me want to go out and buy some???? Last meal?
You laugh to yourself and enjoy the attention because your kids made the dough, and your secret is a premium pizza stone now firmly at home in your oven, for years more enjoyment to come.
I love my «squid» whisk given years ago by one of my quirky college friends — now my kids get a kick out of it too!
Four years ago I talked about being a newlywed too much, three years ago I grumbled about not liking my cubicle job too much, now you're stuck hearing about the kid.
We have been having the avocado version around here for a couple years now, and the kids love it.
So, as a parent myself now for more than 18 years, I've allowed my kids to eat sweets so that they don't feel deprived but talked about limits and the effects of eating too much «less than quality food» — but that a small amount also be fine occasionally in the context of an overall healthy lifestyle.
Yep, even as my kids have gotten bigger (and my son is now 19 years old and 6 ′ 3 ″ tall) they still troop on in to get a picture with Santa for their mom.
Now you are making me feel guilty for depriving my kids of a real tree, but with the new house and hardwood floors and off white carpets, I just can't deal this year.
NOW, I am able to introduce my husband and my 16 - and 18 - year - old kids to REAL life - sustaing food!
I've been making these easy naturally gluten free oatmeal breakfast cookies for my kids for years now, and they've had them for breakfast on school mornings with some fruit.
This is probably one of the most kid - friendly recipes I have on my site and Anya who is now 4 years old was a serious fan of these!
My better half has always traveled, and while for years I cooked for the kids and me, the kids are off cooking for themselves now.
As I washed some dishes in the sink, he crept up behind me, put his arms around me and said, «I can see you in the kitchen a few years from now, getting ready for the kids and grand kids to arrive for Sunday dinner.»
Bonnie worked in restaurants for 15 years before paroling herself to marry the cute guy who is now the father of her two cute kids — life works like that.
Now, a couple years ago, I would have been begging another mom to share all her little secrets for getting her kids to eat their greens, thinking there had to be some magic behind those cleared plates.
We've been fans of this amazing kids protein for years now and LOVE how versatile (and delicious) the product is.
This is the recipe that has been keeping my kids happy for years now and it makes a big pan of dense, fudgy brownies.
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