Sentences with phrase «years of infertility struggles»

After years of infertility struggles and wondering if I ever would be a mom, I felt possessive of that title and sharing it with a birth mother was scary for me.

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After years of struggling with infertility and 27 hours of labor, Eric David and Alexis Rae arrived stillborn.
But as the director of the Chicago Archdiocese's Respect Life office, she couldn't share her struggle with infertility, which lasted for more than nine years.
Richard; that is truly wonderful for them, but as a woman who has struggled with infertility for over 6 years of no help at all to me?
Eventually, the truth came out because I chose to go the very public route of putting my vagina on display (metaphorically, of course) by creating a blog and inviting my friends, family, and half my graduating class to read about our infertility struggles for the next three years as we underwent countless (read: eight) state - of - the - art fertility treatments that wreaked havoc on my body, mind, and bank account.
This year marks my fourth honoring it, and this post is a special dedication to Share's Walk of Remembrance and the Wave of Light — in support of infertility and pregnancy loss and shattering the stigma that often cloaks these struggles.
I became a mom through adoption, after a five year struggle with infertility, so while our financial situation didn't make staying home with our daughter for 15 months all that easy, I couldn't quite bear the idea of her being with someone else more hours than she was with us, especially for the first year of her life.
After a five - year struggle with infertility and IVF, a difficult induced labor, a cesarean section, a sleepy baby, oversupply issues, a hospitalization and one bout of mastitis, I felt as though Dallas and I had been through almost every barrier to breastfeeding possible by the time he was two months.
I don't know their struggles, I don't know if they have lost babies to miscarriage or stillbirth, I don't know if they have suffered infertility, maybe they had to go through years of IVF to get their baby, who knows?
Some of my clients have struggled for several years (upwards of 8 - 10 years) with infertility, but after implementing a few dietary changes, testing, and targeted supplementation, they have achieved the results they desired.
As someone who struggled for years with PCOS related infertility, I can completely relate to the burning desire to do everything in your power to maximize your chances of success.
My husband and I struggled with infertility for 5 years and underwent treatment for two years before this pregnancy, which came to us through the gift of embryo adoption!
After years of struggling with infertility and subsequent loss of twins, I found solace in Pulling Down the Moon.
After many years of struggling with infertility, and all of the heartache that accompanies it, my husband and I are looking into adopting.
After several years of struggling with infertility, my husband and I are starting to look into the adoption process.
Hi Kevin and Layla, Fourteen years ago, we had our son through IVF after several years of struggling with infertility.
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