Sentences with phrase «years of rejections before»

Canfield faced many years of rejection before he found significant succes, but throughout the process, it was his belief that the right opportunity would eventually come along that encouraged him to continue striving.
Meg talks about a writer who had 56 rejections, and another who went through 6 years of rejection before publication.

Not exact matches

The man he thinks he's hitting isn't the man trying to save him from drink, but a preacher from many years before, who angrily told him that the only sin from which there is no redemption is the rejection of God's love — of believing oneself a sinner who can not be changed or redeemed.
But if you recognize that even the most successful authors have been, say, rejected by 56 agents, like Kathryn Stocket was with The Help, or faced six years of rejection, like Julia Glass did before publishing Three Junes, which went on to win the National Book Award, it becomes just part of the process, a story you can someday tell about how hard - fought your success was.
When James Patterson wrote his first novel it was rejected by 31 publishers, on the other hand Mary Higgins Clark's manuscript took 6 years and a decent pile of 41 rejections before finally getting accepted.
I ask because a friend of mine just went through nearly 4 years before the book got out there: the author spent a year of query letter rejections before finally landing a literary agent; then it took a year of submissions for the agent to land a publisher; then it took well over a year for the book to get on the publisher's schedule for launch date.
Bestselling author Theresa Ragan endured 19 years of rejections from traditional publishers before self - publishing her books on CreateSpace and Kindle Direct Publishing.
I remember you bringing your (impressively large) box of rejection letters to BayCon one year before you had a pro sale.
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