Sentences with phrase «years of working in»

Many come from years of working in those fields.
His early The Spy Who Came In From the Cold and the later Smiley's People series built his deserved reputation, based no doubt in part upon his experiences in years of working in British Foreign Services.
After three years of working in an advertising agency, travel fever seized her.
After many years of working in that arena, she segued into writing and editing for major corporations and government entities.
With my semi-tactless way of speaking (honed by years of working in state guv «ment), I would last about as long as a Republican at a meeting.
It took me years of working in a bookstore to know which publisher I needed to call to order a book without scanning it in the system or hunting the tiny print on the copyright page.
We can achieve any of the deadlines that students ask us, as our writers have years of working in this field.
Don Hall, head of Virginia's dealer association, says GM's strategy is the most oppressive thing he has seen in 30 years of working in dealer - manufacturer relations.
After years of working in schools beset by turnaround programs that turned a blind eye to our individual experiences and communities, I now work in a school with a high capacity for responding to new demands and improving instruction.
For example, it takes teachers in Ohio 35 years of working in the classroom before they break even and earn a pension that is as valuable as their own contributions.
Katie joined Flamboyan Foundation after eleven years of working in public and public charter schools in Washington DC.
Stacey brings 30 years of working in schools and in the private sector to our team.
After years of working in the computer industry Crawford decided to make a career change and got into the world of Finance working for companies; The Special Olympics, WMATA, The State Department, The Department of Commerce and others.
In my 12 years of working in public education in the City of Atlanta, many of our Black children aren't meeting their full potential because their village is failing them.
After five years of working in California public education, Erika moved to DC in 2013 and has since experienced both ends of the school choice process, first as a parent and then as an advocate for fellow parents.
Some things I've heard in 17 years of working in gifted education: «What do I need to do to get my kid into the gifted program in your
The residency model ensures that they are supported and mentored, not just throughout the initial phase of a classroom placement, but continued through their years of working in our district.
In my three years of working in West Aurora School District 129, we've hired over 270 new teachers.
Principals Collaborate, Bring About School Change After years of working in isolation, a group of Milwaukee principals decided to collaborate rather than compete.
Andrew Hemmings became principal in 2009, and by 2012, following three years of working in temporary or dilapidated accommodation, the Academy had become the most improved school in Hertfordshire and the 35th most improved school in the country (out of 5272).
After years of working in isolation, a group of Milwaukee principals decided to collaborate rather than compete.
Below are ten tips about designing, developing, and successfully implementing such a program, gathered through my four years of working in the mindfulness and education movement: first with Inward Bound Mindfulness Education, then as a classroom teacher, and now as an independent consultant.
Barreiro, a member of the Mind, Brain, and Education cohort, had a teaching background in preschool and early elementary, while Zuniga, a member of the Education Policy and Management cohort, brought several years of working in organizations building bridges between parents and their children's educational experiences.
After years of working in the dating industry, we discover that the most beautiful girls of Europe or the world as some men claim are from Ukraine and Russia.
After 15 years of working in the dating industry, here are my top 12 tricks to get women's responses.
I still, after many years of working in the Russian dating industry, can not give a profound answer to this question.
After years of working in the makeup industry — it's one of those I think are gorgeous, but I just can't weir them.
Especially when I compare it to my 5 years of working in a very corporate environment where my schedule was rigid, my days now are fluid and more free form (which, of course, comes with it's own set of problems, too).
After years of working in interior design, I fueled my passion for DIY into The 36th Avenue, my own corner dedicated to anything delicious and creative.
After years of working in Pakistani cinema, she still looks as ravishing as the day she first stepped into the industry.
After years of working in customer service industries, being painfully polite, avoiding expressing my anger and trying to keep the peace, I realized that trying to appeal to everyone actually requires an element of inauthenticity.
After 9 years of working in finance, I decided to become a health coach (and barre teacher!)
14 years of working in wealth advisory and a life time of love for all things health and wellness has brought John to where he is today, a business owner, a father and a desire to help others improve their health / wellness and career / financial success.
Maybe it is the countless years of working in the service industry, pockmarked with overpriced prix fixes and catering to cranky couples who feel like they MUST dine out on the 14th, that just makes me want to stay in.
After seven years of working in Alzheimer's Disease, neuroscience, and nutritional research, she left academia to utilize her acquired nutrition and research skills to help others.
I assure you that both your shoulders and spine will be giving you the proverbial middle finger after a couple years of working in this position.
In my 28 years of working in health and fitness, I see this theory used all.
After 12 years of working in finance, the yoga practice gave her the courage to leave Wall Street, follow her dreams of becoming an entrepreneur and yoga instructor, and in turn, encourage others to discover their true potential and create a culture of growth and leadership.
Research development officers often cover a wide range of topics, so you need to be comfortable working in scientific fields outside your own: Joanna Downer, associate dean of research development at Duke University School of Medicine, notes that in 7 - and - a-half years of working in the area, she has yet to work on a grant involving her Ph.D. discipline, chemistry.
Years of working in community clinics where he dealt constantly with emergencies that should never have happened convinced him of the need to give people the knowledge to safeguard their own health.
«I have 10 years of working in immunology and cancer,» Dong said.
My wife was let go from State govenment after 21 years of working in a profit and loss segement of the government.
@nedsimons after years of working in audio it is clearly «sanctimonious rubbish» and quite a leap to get to a C bomb.No wonder she denied it
Previous experience includes 5 years of working in various jobs in the IT industry, such as a Developer (C# and Java), IT Trainer and a Support Analyst.
Next year, NCB will be celebrating an important anniversary — 50 years of working in partnership to improve the life chances of children and young people.
After years of working in school districts and school kitchens, it's clear to us that the majority of school food change begins with parents who care about their children's nutrition at home and at school.
After many years of working in the field and running a successful kids only yoga studio, owners Abby Nagler and An Dang created a teacher training program based on their extensive knowledge of teaching yoga to babies through pre-teens.
After several years of working in radio I moved over to print, working in sales for Portland Parent Magazine and then as the publisher.
In over 10 years of working in many hospitals as an L&D RN, I've never seen a decision made based on «$», but I HAVE seen decisions based on the fear of being sued.
After nearly 20 years of working in early childhood, she thought motherhood would be a breeze when she and Ryan had their first child, Gus.
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