Sentences with phrase «yellow bars represent»

Turquoise triangles mark P element insertions, and mustard - yellow bars represent transposons.
Here's Americans are saying they're thankful for this year (the yellow bar represents overal percentage of those who selected that item; the red represents the percentage who said that item is what they're most thankful for):

Not exact matches

The trade group that represents the commodity blamed the fall on a 15 percent dip in investment in gold bars to 254.9 tons, as investors in the U.S., China and Germany held off from buying the yellow metal.
Consider the next four yellow bars, representing Canada's general elections in 1965, 1963, 2004 and 1921.
That 4 % advantage of the LibDems over Labour - as represented by the LD newspaper's bar chart - looks twice as large as the 10 % advantage that the Tories have over the Yellow Peril.
The yellow bar and black bar represent the Acks cDNA region highly conserved among the Acks and kakusei cDNAs and the region adjacent to the Acks cDNA, respectively.
Each furnishes the player with two separate, special combat abilities on timed cooldowns - illustrated in both games by blue, square icons - augmenting a third, slow - building «super» state represented by a nearby, horizontal yellow bar.
There is no light bar implementation which is surprising as it could have produced green, yellow, orange, red and flashing red to represent your character's health or alternatively green for an accessible door and red for an inaccessible door or elevator.
«This heat map of a test room clearly shows the stratification effect created by a convection heater when there's little air movement in the room: the yellow bar at the ceiling represents about 22 °C, the purple bit (where your cold feet would be) about 14 °C.»
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