Sentences with phrase «yellow outline»

These waves, and the use of yellow outlines to show the presence of sunlight energy in plants and animals, are leitmotifs that continue throughout the series and are part of what help give it cohesion.
Yellow outline indicates the location of the caudate and thalamus.
Community Spay - Neuter Clinic began offering 500 free sterilizations for dogs and cats from these neighborhoods (see area of map in yellow outline) over a 12 month period, as well as free rabies and distemper vaccination, and flea and parasite treatment.
The VISR is fundamental, it links up with the city's AI so you can locate the where abouts of your team mates, it tells you what to look for as it highlights key objects in a nice yellow outline and more importantly you can see in the dark.
The Vikings did away with the stripes down the side of the jersey, as well as the yellow outline around the numbers.
The yellow outline shows the reduced impact of Alternative 3B Revised.
Later on, you'll gain a slot for a third primary ability (indicated by a yellow outline) that will cause you to rethink your strategies all over again!
In a later work from 1994, yellow outlines of rectangular forms — much like postage stamps — are haphazardly replicated against a black expanse, alluding either to the dark blast furnaces in which steel is smelted or, perhaps, to the cross-sections of chutes used to cool newly cast steel.
The yellow outline is the median minimum sea ice extent for 1979 — 2000; that is, areas that were at least 15 percent ice - covered in at least half the years between 1979 and 2000.
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