Sentences with phrase «yellow pad»

Some are from yellow pads, some are notebook papers, and others are sticky notes.
For now I use a stack of books, a couple of yellow pads and one machine with a a keyboard and a two - page screen.
I have to put you on hold until my pen and yellow pad tell me what I think about a subject or idea.
Then I use a calculator and more yellow pads and pencils to add it up.
The same can be said for cell phones, email and even the trusted yellow pad.
Not on post its or various yellow pads — in the same spot.
Each week, I create a master to - do list on an old - fashioned yellow pad — one for each of my companies and writing projects.
I used to love writing longhand on yellow pads, especially with the smooth flow of fountain pens, whether fancy or disposable.
Coming upon a UCLA football practice, one at first notices only tangential and frivolous details: the fluffy yellow pads the size of watermelons that defenders wear on their forearms, the nearly erotic ease with which Running Back Freeman McNeil absorbs the impact of the ball as he takes it from Quarterback Tom Ramsey.
We all suspect Bob Myers has a whole yellow pad scribbled with the situational alternatives for getting Cook on the playoff roster.
And that ref won't ref again, yellow padded cell for him.
«For micro-organisims which have generation times of a few days, adaptation may happen during the next 100 years or so as the ocean continues to acidify to critical levels,» explained the researcher from the IFM - Geomar centre, braving glacial winds in a bright yellow padded windbreaker and a woolen hat.
To date, I've yet to accidentally run out of yellow pad pages or of pens while in court (I always keep about half a dozen pens in my bag, plus another 2 - 3 in my suit coat).
You know, something in magic marker on a sheet from a lined yellow pad
With 2:54 left to play in the last game and Milwaukee ahead by 17 points, Costello was still diagraming new plays on the yellow pad.
Make sure you let a warm feeling of friendliness develop before you pull out your yellow pad!
I can settle down at the kitchen table, surround myself with stacks of papers, and get busy making notes on my yellow pad.
On a yellow pad, Blackwell draws a portrait for me of a prototypical quorum - sensing signal molecule: a ring of carbon atoms attached to some hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms, trailing off in a long tail composed of more carbon atoms.
That's why I always carry a yellow pad with me.
The secretary has this yellow pad, starts calling names, and gets someone to show up.
Griffin can often be seen in the corner of a classroom, anxiously jotting down notes on a yellow pad.
The lawyer for the accused looked up from his yellow pad and fastened his skeptical gaze — familiar to millions of cable talk show viewers — on Petrov's face.
The data has been released since it is available for anyone who wants to read it and write it on a yellow pad.
I go in with a yellow pad and # 2 pencil and take information.
From the first day you step into the law office, to your last day appearing in court, you will have to schlep files, yellow pads, pens, laptops, and legal tomes around with you to court and client meetings.
Whether you use LeanLaw Timekeeping Software, a competitor's or (please don't) a yellow pad, tracking your time will help you build a leaner, more successful — and more meaningful to you — law practice.
1980: Document preparation began on a yellow pad, followed by dictation to a secretary, who wrote in shorthand and then attempted to transfer these words to a typewriter without error correction.
TL asks a great question that is also worth repeating here: is there a particular iPad «app or resource [that] could make the iPad as ubiquitous as the yellow pad
I'd do some chapters and then I'd take them down to her on the yellow pad and she'd type them up for me.»
Which leads to the question whether the students are paying more attention with a yellow pad, or whether the distractions of instant - messaging, web - surfing and email make the instructor's voice simply another channel on the dial of student attention.
Those wedded to the yellow pads can print it out if they want to.
On a yellow pad?
For real estate practitioners who take lots of notes at listing presentations or while walking buyers through a home, the Tablet PC is as convenient as a yellow pad.
She uses a yellow pad to set up columns at the top of the page and then lists the details of each sale that year: address, sales price, commission, and buyer or seller.
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