Sentences with phrase «yet reader question»

Dog Bone Tumour Treatment (canine osteosaracoma) Not rated yet Reader Question regarding Canine Osteosarcoma: My 6 year old fixed male Golden Retriever has just been diagnosed with osteosarcoma in the humerus...
Severe Sarcoptic Mange Not rated yet Reader Question: Is Severe Itching Following Treatment of Sarcoptic Mange Normal?
Not rated yet Reader Question: Does my beloved Golden have Cushings Disease?
Painkiller for Arthritic Dog Not rated yet Reader Question Hi, I have a 7 year old GSD bitch weighing in at 33.6 kgs.
How Can You Tell When Your Dog Is In Pain Not rated yet Reader Question: My 12 year old dog is a small breed with a heart condition and now been diagnosed with kidney failure.
Does My Dog Have Pink Eye Not rated yet Reader Question: Does My Dog have Pink Eye or Conjunctivitis Two of my three dogs have a discharge from their eyes.
Dog's Overnight Development Of Bumps Not rated yet Reader Question: What Caused My Canine To Develop Bumps On Her Body?
How to Diagnose and Treat Dog Hives and Shaking Not rated yet Reader Question:: How to Diagnose and Treat Hives on Dogs that is accompanied with shaking?
Dog With Red Circles on Abdomen Not rated yet Reader Question: Our dog's name is Jaggar, he is almost 2 years old and he is a miniature pinscher / fox terrier mix.
My Chihuahua Has Hives Not rated yet Reader Question on Hives Followed By Suggestion From Our Vet My chihuahua gets hives quite frequently.
Puppy Worms Treatment Not rated yet Reader Question: My daughter has a puppy.
Home Remedies for Dog Cold Symptoms Not rated yet Reader Question: Over the Counter products to relieve dog cold symptoms Our dachshunds have been sneezing and acting like they have a congested nose.
Not rated yet Reader Question: Do You Need To Visit The Veterinarian for a Dog Cold?
How to Treat Dog Roundworms Not rated yet Reader Question: How to Treat Dog Roundworms We have a six week old puppy we took today and had its first shots and wormed.
Labradoodle Urinating Issue Not rated yet Reader Question on Urination Issue Followed By Suggestion From our Vet Our Labradoodle is about 11 months old and fully house trained.
Dog Diarrhea After Being Dewormed Not rated yet Reader Question: What is the Cause of a Watery Pinkish Dog Stool My 9 week old Cocker Spaniel puppy has been having diarrhea for 2 days after giving...
Pregnant Dog With Worms Not rated yet Reader Question: Do you deworm a pregnant dog before giving birth to puppies?
Persian Cat Limping with Paw Discoloration Not rated yet Reader Question: Help for a Limping Cat My Persian is nine years old she showed signs of an injury six weeks ago.
Not rated yet Reader Question: Can cat nerve damage affect hair growth?
Can Mange be Mistaken for Ringworm Not rated yet Reader Question: Differentiating Ringworm From Mange in Dogs I took my 10 week old puppy to the vet because I noticed 3 patches of missing fur which...
Recognizing Adrenal Disease in Dogs Not rated yet Reader Question: My 10 year old large Sheltie has high liver counts, but he eats all the time, drinks lots of water, more than he ever has, but has...
Cat Licking and Vomiting Not rated yet Reader Question: What Is Causing My Cat To Keep Licking Itself?
Cat Hair Loss Not Responding to Frontline Not rated yet Reader Question: My three year old cat has increasing alopecia down the right side of her body, including her back legs.
Diagnosis of Cat Hair Loss Not rated yet Reader Question: What conditions can cause cat hair loss?
Older Lethargic Dog Regurgitating Food and Vomiting Not rated yet Reader Question Regarding an Older Dog that is Regurgitating Food and Vomiting: My dog is a 16 year old mixed breed.
How to Cure a Dog Dry Coat Not rated yet Reader Question: What to Give a Dog For a Dry Coat I live in Colorado where it has been very cold lately.
Not rated yet Reader Question: Can arthritis cause bowed legs?
Patches of Crusty Flakes on Dog Not rated yet Reader Question: Treating Dog Skin Flakes Hi, I am not sure which shampoo would be best for a lab with roundish patches of large flakes on his sides...
Canine Scabies Treatment Not rated yet Reader Question: How Do I Treat Scabies?
Treating a Dog Skin Growth Not rated yet Reader Question: I have a 9 y / o Rhodesian Ridgeback, with a solid, round, black, dime sized, mobile (not fixed to anything deep), raised growth on...
Dog Dandruff Treatment Options Not rated yet Reader Question: What is the treatment for Dog Dandruff My la - bra bitch is having dandruff during March and it had a recover in June end after shedding...
Dog Dry flaky Skin Not rated yet Reader Question: Treating Dog Dry Flaky Skin I have a mixed breed 41 lb dog that has really bad flaky skin on his back toward the back end.
Treating a Dog Mast Cell Tumor Not rated yet Reader Question - Dog Mast Cell Treatment: We have a 10 - year - old Jack Russell Terrier that started limping.
Not rated yet Reader Question: Can A Dog Get Scabies From Humans?
Chronic Demodex Mange Not rated yet Reader Question: Does Demodex Improve After Progestanin Administration?
Diabetic Dog Proper Nutrition Not rated yet Reader Question: What is the best diet for a diabetic dog?
Get Rid of Fleas Not rated yet Reader Question: My cat has a flea infestation and I believe she is now anemic from them.
Prolonged Dog Giardia Not rated yet Reader Question: Repeated cases of Giardia Suggestion from our editor on Dog Giardia Treatment Hi, Giardia treatment can be challenging with repeated...
Non ulcer Keratitus Not rated yet Reader Question on Eye Endema Followed by Suggestion From Our Vet My cat has very severe edema with blood vessels in the cornea.
Trreating Giardia in Puppies Not rated yet Reader Question: How to Treat Recurring Giardia in Puppies I rescued my puppy from a local rescue and I had her stool tested.
Getting Rid of Giardia with Artificial Turf Not rated yet Reader Question: Will artificial turf get rid of dog giardia Can you get rid of giardia by using artificial turf?
Kittens Eyes have Matted Up Not rated yet Reader Question: There are some kittens that have a lot of matter around their eyes.
Bloody Canine Urine Not rated yet Reader Question: Why Is My Canine With Heartworms Urinating Blood?
Dog Heartworm Testing Not rated yet Reader Question: Heartworm Testing in Dogs I have 3 dogs & live on 5.5 acres in the country.
Darkened Skin and Excessive Licking of Paws Not rated yet Reader Question: How To Stop Canines From Licking Their Paws?
Dog Urination Problems Not rated yet Reader Question: Dog Urination Problems My dog (female, eleven years old, rescued from Valencia in Spain at approx six weeks old) has Leishmaniasis.
How to Cure Dog with Horrible Bad Breath Not rated yet Reader Question: How to Cure Dog with Bad Breath My 15 yr old Male Chihuahua, 10 lbs 13 oz, standard size, has lately developed very bad breath.
Causes of An Enlarged Dog Stomach Not rated yet Reader Question: What Can Cause My Dog's Enlarged Stomach My dog is a 9 year old Pitbull that has had all of the regular shots.
Treating A Dog Stomach Tumor or Mass Not rated yet Reader Question: Treating a Dog Stomach Mass or Related Problem My 11 year old Bulldog / Black Lab «Ebby» ate raw venison at a friends house that processes...
How to Treat Dog Stomach Pain Not rated yet Reader Question: What to do for dog stomach pain?
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