Sentences with phrase «yet accepted their countries»

He said vulnerable people such as the old and poor would be the worst affected, and that world leaders had not yet accepted their countries would have to adapt to the likely consequences.

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What Peter Beinart knows and yet, perhaps admirably, refuses to accept is that many of those whom he is trying to persuade have somewhere along the way decided that this is not their country.
The country is only a little larger than Wales, yet has accepted more than 1.5 million refugees from neighbouring Syria into both official and unofficial camps.
Yet it is precisely the privilege of Dillard's background that she knew would clip her wings and force another life upon her: the country club and its obsessive cultivation of a suntan; years of dancing school and white cotton gloves; the fate of young ladies to take custody of unquestioned codes, to be «vigilantes of the trivial,» to accept their destiny («to marry Holden Caulfield's roommate, and buy a house in Point Breeze, and send our children to dancing school»)
It also plainly says things like: I can own slaves (as long as they're from neighboring countries), can sell my daughter into slavery, declares that people that work on Sunday should be put to death, etc. yet we don't accept those things.
Yet in all that time, despite her accomplishments on the court and in service to her country, she has never been invited back to Roland Garros to smack a few ceremonial one - hand backhands, or even to wave to the crowd and accept long overdue plaudits for her wartime actions on and off the court.
And yet, their story feels universal to any person — or country, for that matter — that has ever had to accept a fundamental change or loss or blow to their sense of self.
Yet last spring, for the eighth year in a row, 100 percent of YES graduates were accepted into four - year colleges, including some of the top universities in the country.
Yet governments of about every country accept the reality of AGW, even the Bush government did in the end.
Yet a large fraction of this country's population and policymakers can't seem to accept the fact that the climate is changing.
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