Sentences with phrase «yet grasp»

Sometimes we can best understand what we don't yet grasp by examining what we do.
This is because 2 - year - olds do not yet grasp logic.
However young children can not yet grasp the concept that a parent will return.
However, she doesn't yet grasp the reliability of your coming back, which can make her very upset to see you go.
Whoever thinks this does not yet grasp the fact that what he apprehends has come into existence; he has before him only the present content of a sensory and cognitive immediacy, in which coming into existence is not contained.
But we can not yet grasp fully and with unfailing security the reality of the divine life to which we are called — in this life we must recognise that we are still marked by the effects of sins, that we still experience weakness andfrailty.
I can only say that I do not yet grasp its normative import.
Or worse, companies and brands that have not yet grasped the difference between an advertisement in video form, and a video that provides some sort of real value — whether that be entertainment, knowledge, etc..
I see several older companies that haven't quite yet grasped the concept, proving there is a large demand for social media savvy experts to come in and take the reins.
WASHINGTON — The day after Lehman Bros. filed for bankruptcy in September 2008, Federal Reserve policymakers hadn't yet grasped the scope of the financial storm blowing overhead.
Failure to understand this shows a provincial mentality which has not yet grasped that we are living in a period of world history when no country can any longer be self - sufficient whether in the economic, cultural, scientific or social spheres.
We have not as yet grasped that this is the continuing Reformation among us.
Confronted with the problems involved in the question of salvation for non-Christians, one is driven to ask whether Christians have yet grasped the total Christ.
@Chad «reconceptualize??? reconceptualize: To conceptualize afresh; to develop a replacement concept of something I think perhaps you picked the wrong word... I think also you havent yet grasped that our universe had a beginning..
He wanted to calm things down, and had not yet grasped the extent to which religion and politics were totally mixed in, the one with the other.
«Policymakers have not yet grasped the significance of organic agriculture for resilient, reliable, non-toxic food production, and its ability to mitigate climate change while restoring our nation's soil health.
When a former teacher at Chicago's Lane Technical High School noticed that a mural at her school was falling out of its frame and badly in need of repair, she hadn't yet grasped the picture's significance.
This problem has continued into the De Blasio administration which, while showing much more willingness to support district schools with programs, has not yet grasped that Superintendents and building Principals are largely left alone to «market» their schools with no specific expertise and only funds that can be raised from parents.
As Donald Maass says the competition is growing but «publishers have not yet grasped the sea change in the world of authors.»
Authors in this giddy time have not yet grasped the true cost of going it alone.
Publishers have not yet grasped the sea change in the world of authors.
I hadn't yet grasped the very complicated -LRB-!)
They just have not yet grasped the significance of their costly discoveries.
What these people haven't yet grasped is that this line of argument — that there is absolutely no doubt what impacts a changing climate will bring and they are all terrible bad impacts — has likely driven the highest number of people questioning the entire field than any other single issue.
But there is little evidence that political leaders have yet grasped the magnitude of what is happening.
While I've not yet grasped the recreational benefits of CO2 (unless one considers maybe recreational.....
Many of those are in early days, and we have not yet grasped how they will impact us.
One thing that I think lawyers haven't yet grasped is that the «semantic web» does NOT refer to the World Wide Web, but to ANY network.
If your firm hasn't yet grasped the significance of the world's largest legal information company buying the world's largest legal process outsourcing company, grasp it now.
What many applicants have yet grasped is that employers are looking for certain characteristics above all else.
With prevalence of online dating sites, I suppose it is only logical that someone who has not yet grasped that LinkedIn is a professional network would think that the name LinkedIn sounds like a dating site.

Not exact matches

«HEPs listen hard to others and do all they can to grasp their emotional state and needs, whether it is a friend who has just been diagnosed with cancer or a spouse who is upset at them for working late yet again,» he writes, adding, «but listening is never enough.
This is not easy to grasp, but the gist is that Griffith and Bachrach haven't yet made T2, but in the early stages of fumbling in that general direction, they have made some cool 3 - D gorillas that can easily be manufactured in pieces, and given a few more months, they might also change the way cars are assembled.
Legendary physicist Feynman won the Nobel Prize for his work in one of the subjects that's the most difficult for the human mind to grasp — quantum mechanics — yet his top advice for accelerating learning is actually to make whatever you're studying as dead simple as possible.
This is a powerful shift, and one many big brands have yet to grasp.
Yet they haven't fully grasped how to integrate this technology into operations and use it effectively.
Okay, it may not qualify as big data yet, but tools are cropping up left and right to help companies grasp where they should focus their content marketing to get the most bang for their buck.
Yet, it seems like even mainstream media is grasping at some of these tactics in desperation to survive.
When your purpose is simple to grasp, yet aspirational in nature, it attracts the right people.
Though much like Drucker back in the 1930s, we are still unable to fully grasp what is yet to come.
Hi Nial, very good lesson on S & R Lines, but as a newbie I have not grasped it yet.
His passion to teach Value Investing is contagious and his informal yet definitive style of teaching is par excellence... He has a great grasp of the subject and yet, makes it easy for others to understand.
«Yet the mystery of the Holy Trinity, the mystery of Original Sin, / the mystery of the Redemption are all well armored against reason... / What in all that can be grasped by little girls dressed in white for First Communion?»
How such a spirit of sobriety expresses itself, not simply in literary or philosophic reading lists, but in platforms and party rhetoric that can resonate with 21st century Americans, I to a large degree leave to others (our Pete comes to mind), even if my turning here to the example of Solzhenitsyn reminds me that faith in God's promises will be necessary to sustain us in the quite possible event that even our grasping and steadfastly acting upon the «most precise» political prudence might yet fail to stop catastrophe.
For most of my life I've believed there's a secret code that most people know that I just haven't grasped yet.
I know that Jesus died so that we might live and in the midst of the violence that God suffers but I still can't grasp why God told his people to kill thousands of people and yet He is such a loving God.
It is not yet clear whether we are able to grasp or be grasped by the hopeful images we need.
«Peace» is experienced as ineffable unity and harmony, yet is only partially grasped and understood.
And yet it is baffling that these fields would be so elusive, so resistant to tangible grasp.
They are thereby able to grasp that they are being invited not to a quasi-religious conversion from falsehood to truth, but rather to play a new and fascinating game whose rules they have yet to master.
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