Sentences with word «yogourt»

Any chance greek yogourt would be acceptable as topping, instead of sour cream?
I grew up on a dairy farm, and as a teenager, made many batches of yogourt from whole, raw milk; it's taste was unlike anything available commercially, so absolutely creamy and delicious.
The ginger - yogourt adds a great little kick, and this is a super dish to pack up individually to take to work / school.
Vanilla frozen yogourt topped with strawberries, bananas, and chocolate» yum!
Wondering about kombucha, kefir, kimchi, or homemade yogourt?
Low fat products like that low fat salad dressing you used at lunch or that low fat yogourt you're eating for your afternoon snack are packed with sugar and additives that your body doesn't know what to do with, so it stores it as fat.
We lose Canadian food processing jobs, because the food processors (the butter, cheese and yogourt makers) who sell internationally, locate their plants (and their jobs) outside of Canada because our milk is too expensive.
Roasted butternut squash and cauliflower curry with chickpeas and kale, topped with a mint and cilantro yogourt.
I no longer have access to «straight from the cow» milk so I don't bother to make yogourt anymore.
My fav is dark chocolate with a swirl of rasberry but homemade frozen yogourt sound Yummy:)
The hardest thing for me is feta and a good plain vegan yogourt.
I've tried lots of variation of vegan feta and plain soy yogourt but I sas never satisfied.
Vanilla Chia Pudding with chocolate yogourt, banana and cacao nibs.
I made her baby food from scratch and added little flourishes - like pureed spinach with goats milk yogourt, and pureed eggplant with onion and garlic.
Yes Betsy but you can add plain yogourt and the texture is more soft!
, they can simply open them up and pour the acidophilus in his yogourt.
Usually the good bacteria found in yogourt is 70 % inactive by the time we eat the yogourt.
It kept the heat in and allowed the yogourt to cool very slowly overnight.
Whisk together the liquid ingredients (except for the water): almond milk, yogourt, vanilla extract, almond extract, lemon juice and oil.
I mixed the oil from the dutch oven directly in my yogourt sauce with shredded mint, as I save to take the left overs for lunches.
Add the mixture to the cucumber; add the yogourt.
So I subbed honey for 3 tbsp maple syrup (only because I prefer the taste of maple syrup), subbed coconut oil for 2 tbsp coconut yogourt (works with dairy yogourt too, cupcakes end up especially velvety if you use Greek yogurt, even more so if you use Icelandic Skyr yogurt) and I omitted the chocolate chips entirely.
I subbed honey for 3 tbsp maple syrup (only because I prefer the taste of maple syrup), subbed coconut oil for 3 tbsp coconut yogourt (works with dairy yogourt too, cupcakes end up especially velvety if you use Greek yogurt, even more so if you use Icelandic Skyr yogurt) and doubled the amount of grated carrots.
Make your own smoothies» yogourt, ice, fruit» let each kid decide what fruit they want and blend.
Since they are packed with fruit, oatmeal and yogourt, they are actually quite good for you.
Whisk in eggs and yogourt.
The meat is marinated in fresh herbs, yogourt and paprika and served in pita bread with grilled eggplant and zucchini.
Green tea booster shake Not rated yet 1 tea spoon matcha green tea 2 cups low card vanilla soy milk 1 tea spoon splenda 1/2 cup vanilla yogourt 6 ice cube Mix all together in blend...
Hey, if it does, don't kick yourself, just make it granola and throw it on some yogourt... bam
In addition to adding to trail mix and granola bars, you can bake with them or add them to smoothies, yogourts or salads.
I buy the non-fat greek yogourt sometimes, and we always have the full fat greek yogourt in the fridge.
A snack for a typical adult may be a container of yogourt, but for a preschooler, two or three tablespoons of yogourt are about right.
Offer healthy snacks such as fruit, low - fat cottage cheese or yogourt, frozen juice bars, applesauce, celery or apples and peanut butter, raw vegetables, graham crackers, fig bars or whole wheat crackers and low - fat cheese.
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