Sentences with phrase «young abstract painters from»

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One of the younger members of the New York School painters, Richard Pousette - Dart is also credited with having produced the group's first large - scale abstract painting, Symphony No. 1: The Transcendental, which he created from 1941 to 1942.
They were so fresh and inventive, yet from their complexity and the assurance of the vocabulary — loose geometry, gridlike formations, unnamable shapes, and squiggly lines — I knew at once that this was the work of a confident and mature artist, even though it fit into the context of what many younger painters were engaged in at the time, when abstract painting had returned to issues of eccentric composition and irregular forms realized through diverse approaches of painting styles.
She's gone from California surfer - girl ceramicist in the 1970s to New York abstract painter — with nods to both Pop and Punk — a decade later, to eminence gris, School of Visual Arts professor and a potent influence on a younger generation of artists today.
There is, in van Velde's work, a quality of indecision and incompleteness, of being improvised rather than planned, of being left in a transitional stage, in other words, of Provisionalism — as defined by Raphaël Rubinstein in his now famed article from 2009 — which makes it relevant to today's state of affairs in abstract painting as well as to the young painters loosely grouped under the name of New Casualists.
One of the youngest members of the first generation of abstract expressionist painters, Price taught painting at UA from 1958 until his death in 1970.
Alex Bacon is a scholar, curator, and critic who has defended some of those abstract painters celebrated by collectors and maligned by critics — a loose group of young «sensations» called everything from «flip artists,» «crapstractionists,» «opportunists,» to «zombie formalists.»
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