Sentences with phrase «young biologist»

Probably most suitable for over-11s as there is a fair amount of complex test, but it could suit any interested young biologist.
In 2006, Dobrzyn learned that the Nencki Institute was running a competition to hire Poland's best young biologists — demonstrating, Dobrzyn says, that it's «one of the very few Polish institutes trying to change this very old - fashioned way that science is organized.»
The story of development of vaccines against rubella and other childhood diseases in the 1960s pits a daring young biologist against his world - famous boss, testing that used prisoners, intellectually disabled children, and other disenfranchised subjects, political roadblocks that nearly derailed the research, and other elements of high drama.
One young biologist recently studied snow leopards in zoos to see if they had a preference for company or being on their own.
As a young biologist studying how wounds heal, Min Zhao found that he could quicken cellular repairs by exposing an injury to electricity.
In the early 1980s Tom Cech, then a young biologist at the University of Colorado at Boulder, uncovered evidence that RNA does more than simply relay messages from DNA to proteins.
By contrast, I gratefully thought of an occasion at the Royal Society in the late 1920s when Ernest Rutherford was in the presidential chair, and a young biologist was reading a paper.
Vera, then a young biologist working for the forest service, read about the winged invasion and began to wonder if the succession model might have a key weakness.
As a young biologist, Elizabeth Iorns did what all young biologists do: She looked around for something interesting to investigate.
Over sixty years after the publication of «Mutual Aid,» Lynn Margulis, then a young biologist at the Boston University, took up the cause of symbiosis.
He has been teaching ethology for young biologists and psychologists for 25 years.
Your young biologists, veterinarians, and animal rescuers will also meet AAWL's animal ambassadors while learning and practicing the hands - on skills it takes to become one of these awesome animal heroes!
A young biologist on board was telling us more about the whales.
Advice to a young biologist who wants to be a real scientist (rather than pursuing a successful career as a paid researcher and administrator) is summarised under ten points: 1.
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