Sentences with phrase «young children the opportunity»

A range of early intervention services offers very young children the opportunity to develop the skills and abilities that will ready them for school and life.
Once in place, the committee said, these changes will attract highly qualified professionals, serve the needs of all families, and will allow the nation's youngest children the opportunity for the best possible start in life.

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«We struggle to comprehend the warped and twisted mind that sees a room packed with young children not as a scene to cherish, but as an opportunity for carnage.»
I like work flexibility because it would provide me the opportunity to spend more time with my young children.
As Christians living in a culture that tends to present opportunities counter to our identities in Christ — children of God, as we're referred to time and again — the danger is that we may be influenced into believing the lie that the decisions we make are without the burden of consequence we could expect when we were younger.
Finally, it bears mentioning that while all adults (our parents included) truly do make it up as they go along, for better or worse, traversing our world as young adults can present to us positive opportunitiesopportunities that allow us to shepherd and encourage others in our churches and communities, even the wee ones or our own children who desperately want to grow up.
A group of young Ugandans who had been jailed without ever going to trial finally had the opportunity to stand before a judge, but before the judge heard their cases, he separated the children from their parents.
A family of young children has a variety of opportunities to bear witness to their being a Christian household.
Nothing could have a greater impact on the wholeness of the next generation than providing in every community a network of readily available growth and growth - repair (therapy) opportunities for parents of young children and parents - to - be.
«For these young women, these factories offer not only opportunities for personal freedom, but also the first rung on the ladder of rising skills and income for themselves and, within a few years, for their children
After my grandfather sadly passed away as a young man, Nanna completed her teaching degree in order to ensure their children not only had food on the table and a roof over their heads, but the best opportunities possible.
Earth Day presents a wonderful opportunity to teach young children about the importance of taking care of our planet.
Ultimately, children and young people will go on to make their own decisions about what they eat, but as long as schools offer students the opportunity to think, discuss and debate the issues as well as to cook and eat good vegetarian food, a weekly meat free day provides them with the knowledge and experience with which to make informed, responsible and compassionate choices.
educates kids and their families about food and cooking by enabling young cooks to get started in the kitchen and try out family - friendly recipes; teams up with partner organizations to feed hungry children; and funds educational opportunities for kids who are interested in pursuing careers in the restaurant and foodservice industry.
Former Chelsea striker and club ambassador Tore Andre Flo, who attended last year's event at Stamford Bridge, said: «It is a fantastic event run by the Chelsea Foundation and most importantly a great opportunity for these young children.
The football comes secondary to the cause, of course, with 90 per cent of the proceeds from the match going to the club's official charity — the LFC Foundation — to support its programmes and partnerships, which aim to create life - changing opportunities for children and young people.
Here is an opportunity for all of us to gather together, hear stellar researchers and speakers from many academic disciplines, and finally have a conversation about how to change the paradigm to one of respect and dignity for our babies and young children.
We had to make vegetable monsters for a Halloween competition at school last week, so I took the opportunity to try and teach my youngest child the names of some vegetables and how to recognise the name when written down.
For example, we know from existing research that social and emotional skills are critical to young people's academic success (Farrington et al., 2012), and that children must have the opportunity to practice and develop SEL skills such as empathy, perseverance, and collaboration, in order to thrive in careers, in family, and in community as adults (CASEL, 2015; Farrington et al., 2012; Pellegrino & Hilton, 2012).
My background in sports medicine and exercise physiology has allowed me to see the benefits from having young children develop a wide variety of skill sets in order to promote the best opportunity for long - term physical development.
The benefits of traveling with your young child are hard to beat: they'll grow to appreciate new experiences and have the opportunity to bond with you as they learn about new people and places.
Don't forget about spontaneity — it might not have been brilliant when your children were younger, but when you're travelling with adults it can be even more fun to take advantage of new and exciting opportunities which present themselves.
Outdoor and pretend play should be a part of a young child's daily activities, and provides developmental and cognitive opportunities that screen play does not.
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) says, «Each day offers us countless opportunities to help children deepen their understanding of math cChildren (NAEYC) says, «Each day offers us countless opportunities to help children deepen their understanding of math cchildren deepen their understanding of math concepts.
As a mother of three young children, trekking to Italy with them in packs, slings, strollers, or «incinta» (pregnant), there have been many opportunities to observe similarities and differences between Italian and American families and traditions.
Through a program geared towards both young parents and their children, we have a unique opportunity to impact two generations at a time.
Studies have shown that those children who appear the most successful have parents who believe they play an instrumental role in fostering their children's social relationships, deliberately create opportunities for peer interactions, encourage keen observational skills, and coach their young children in constructive attitudes and skills.
A young child should be allowed the opportunity to become acquainted with new people and places gradually, while maintaining a consistent sound basic attachment at home, especially during the critical years of age 3 - 8.
Volunteer opportunities might include tutoring younger children, helping out at the local animal shelter, visiting a local nursing home, or taking on a large project that would benefit the community.
The Naval Station Rota Spain Youth Sports and Fitness Program provides great opportunities for children; it features outstanding volunteers; and it has a staff clearly dedicated to impacting young lives.
Then, in September, API Reads is launching a new and exciting opportunity: Participants will have the opportunity to read and discuss a book focused on the younger child (birth to preschool) and / or a second book focused on the older child (school - age and above).
What this means is that parents of all children, gifted or not, provide the opportunity for a young child to explore his interests and learn.
Rather than dismissing schoolyard bullying as «a phase» that children will eventually outgrow, parents have the unique opportunity to alter these behaviors by helping young children overcome the very fears, anxieties, and insecurity that place them at risk.
When they were infants or young children in the orphanage or foster care, they didn't have an opportunity to complete the bonding cycle, which is where trust develops.
Young Learners Christian Academy in Monroe, Georgia, provides a quality, developmentally appropriate educational opportunity for children.
Our goal is to partner with parents and educators of young children to reveal how science is part of our daily lives by using everyday encounters as opportunities to excite, teach, and encourage a connection to the natural world.
Shows like Sesame Street can provide educational opportunities for young children as long as parents co-view in order to help your young child understand the show and apply its lessons in everyday life.
Young children will love having the opportunity to build their own Easter egg necklace to wear while on their Easter Egg hunt with this simple DIY project that strings together plastic Easter eggs in a variety of colors.
Moms love it because there are heaps of opportunities, programs, and special activities for families with young children.
Most toys on today's market offer some opportunity for little ones to learn whether it is engaging a child's senses, learning how to interact with others or spark their young imaginations.
Babies and young children learning to bite, chew, and swallow need opportunities to explore food with different tastes, smells, and textures, and it's hard to do that when food is concealed in a pouch.
We have an opportunity to prevent additional harm by limiting screen violence with young children.
«We hear so much about the special «window of opportunity» for young children to learn two languages that it can be discouraging to the older child,» says Pearson.
By studying campers» experiences and camp's impact on the lives of young people, ACA provides parents with the knowledge to make good decisions, to thoughtfully guide their children, and to offer opportunities for powerful lessons in community, character building, skill development, and healthy living.
There are also limited opportunities for reviewing items which may not fit the specific «kids activities» niche, but may still be used in new and innovative ways which would benefit families with young children.
It doesn't mean buying all the right toys or watching just the right videos — it means giving your children opportunities to explore and challenge themselves, even at this young age.
I was unaware of the benefits of massage when my children were babies but I'm happy to say that my young granddaughters and I mutually enjoy a «Gramma - massage» at every opportunity.
The opportunity to contribute to EO initiatives that enable children and young persons to participate directly in EO or via EO e.g:
Pinecones, pompoms, rice, seashells and much more strike young children's attention and imagination, allowing them the opportunity to practice transferring, matching, counting and classifying the items within the bin!
As our babies begin to take solid foods, usually the second half of the first year, we have another opportunity to establish good health through the choices we offer our young babies and children.
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