Sentences with phrase «young evangelicals»

The phrase "young evangelicals" refers to young people who are passionate about sharing and spreading their religious beliefs, particularly within the evangelical Christian faith. Full definition
Those three words triggered a profound reaction within a lot of young evangelicals because many of us have heard them, in some shape or form, before.
This has been helpful for young evangelicals as a way of understanding the larger narrative of Scripture.
Maybe young evangelicals like me avoid talking about abortion because it's just not as cool as talking about sex trafficking and immigration.
He gives shout - outs to young evangelical leaders in major speeches.
And I think a lot of other young evangelicals are growing weary of those arguments too.
Are young evangelicals rejecting the «myth of a Christian nation»?
She says her research revealed that more than 60 % of young evangelicals support more governmental programs to aid the needy, as well as more emphasis on economic justice and environmental protection issues.
But shouldn't you have spent more time introducing young evangelicals to the riches of the Christian faith?
You know well that most young evangelicals are politically conservative.
No one's faith journey looks exactly the same, and there are many young evangelicals simply trying to faithfully follow their own conscience and conviction without identifying with one group or the other.
Will young evangelicals stick around or head for mainline churches instead?
Younger evangelicals like myself tend to reject this way of thinking.
But there is a second group of young evangelicals who take something like Field's avowed biblicism with a good deal more seriousness.
If you have spent any time with young Evangelical Christians in these first decades of the twenty - first century, you will know that this verse from Micah is the one they are most likely to quote from the whole of Scripture.
There is a lot of resonance among younger evangelicals with liturgy, so - called «smells and bells,» the creeds, and other more ancient expressions of the faith.
As a result, the past decade has seen a precipitous decline in young evangelical identification with the Republican Party.
Evangelical colleges likely face generational differences in attitudes toward sexuality as younger evangelicals develop friendships with people who are gay, says David Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group, a Christian market research firm.
David Kinnaman, whose book «You Lost Me» examines why young evangelicals are leaving the church, says more youth see heterosexual marriage as outdated.
Campolo says there's a world of podcasts, books, events and more aimed at young evangelicals who are re-thinking historic evangelical doctrines on hell, sovereignty, biblical infallibility, sexuality etc..
I point to research that shows young evangelicals often feel they have to choose between their intellectual integrity and their faith, between science and Christianity, between compassion and holiness.
Producer Brittany Machado is a sociologist from the University of Chicago, whose area of expertise is how young evangelicals form their sexual identity.
If young evangelicals were concerned about regulating «morality» instead of global social issues then they would all be voting for Perry.
So when young evangelicals see Republicans ripping pages out of the political playbooks of Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and the Religious Right, it's more likely to induce eye rolling than shouts of «amen.»
The popularity of «Spiritual but Not Religious» among young Evangelicals today is a good example.
And of course there are appropriately reasoned political defenses for pacifism (e.g., that of Martin Luther King, Jr.) and other positions espoused by young evangelicals.
«Spiritual but Not Religious,» my friend told me, is a phrase many young Evangelicals now use to describe themselves, in order to highlight their personal relationship with Jesus.
Jump over to my Facebook page to join a conversation about young evangelicals already in progress.)
But in recent years I have come to appreciate the fact that many promising younger evangelical scholars got their start in a serious commitment to the life of the mind by responding positively to the LaHaye - type call to intellectual warfare.
And it should not be so counterintuitive that young evangelicals such as myself prefer theology rooted in tradition to a spirituality waffling in relativism.
Unfortunately, a lot of young evangelicals grew up with the assumption that Christianity and evolution can not mix, that we have to choose between our faith in Jesus and accepted science.
Beginning life as a convinced young Evangelical, he gradually adopted the Tractarian High Churchmanship promoted by Keble and Newman, before embracing, with all possible fervour, the Ultramontane, Italianate Catholicism introduced into England by Cardinal Wiseman.
As I've spoken with young evangelicals across the country, I've found that many of them are rediscovering the Church's ancient commitment to ritual.
But I don't mean that it's harder for our modern young Evangelical geographically to find an English - speaking Lutheran Church.
Given the fundamentalist personal background of many young evangelical writers, this unconscious hangover of biblicism is not too surprising.
Young evangelicals seem to offer a new cause with vigor and conviction.
New loyalties are emerging as such insights are combined with the values young evangelicals find in the biblical interpretations of William Stringfellow, Jacques Ellul, John Howard Yoder, Dale Brown and others who do not share the «inerrancy» assumption.
The Evangelicals do not appear to wish to mount a counter-attack against the Supreme Court... the older Evangelicals may not have the funds to donate to «changing the Nation» (many are retiring), and the current young Evangelicals see «gay marriage» as a minor event.
You also muse about how «many young evangelicals view premarital sex as no big deal,» which leads you to ask: «Is the moral code that we older people believe was dictated by Scripture pass?
• About that bright young evangelical at Harvard whom we quoted on the different kinds of evangelicalism (November 1993), his name is Kevin Offner, not Kenneth.
``... Reports of younger evangelicals suggest that they have a distinctly different perspective than their elders on such issues as gay identity and marriage, the environment, and how to address poverty and other social justice issues.»
Townsend envisioned sending young evangelicals into Mexico with his newly formed Summer Institute of Linguistics.
My inbox is filled with messages from young evangelicals who feel angered and betrayed as they watch their religious community align itself with values they don't recognize.
Are these mostly younger evangelicals slipping down the slope toward heterodoxy?
But slowly in the 1950s, and then more vigorously in the next several decades, younger evangelicals insisted that biblical faith demands a strong commitment to both evangelism and social action, thus returning to the balanced position of much of 19th century evangelicalism.
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