Sentences with phrase «young female character»

So many horror movies focus on young female characters, and so few of them connect to those characters in a meaningful way.
Morton, so memorable in Under the Skin (Carine Adler, 1998), seems to inhabit these damaged young female characters with a preternatural intensity.
Because I think we're very unused to seeing female characters, particularly young female characters, as people.»
The movie succeeds in reaching the goal of producing a strong young female character in a world run amok.
Kate May 31, at 3 Finally a young female character who could survive in real world.
If we hadn't seen any of The Hunger Games movies, Divergent might have felt fresher, less like a medium - grade helping of dystopian sci - fi built around a young female character who learns to kick butt.
With little language concerns, a teen kiss and some bullying, the only pause I had as a parent was with a young female character delighting in spraying artistic graffiti around the community.
Both books serve to explore dark and complicated adult issues from the perspective of astute, young female characters, and both stories focus on a moment in time when the child's world is turned upside down.
So it's very strange to see fans of the title so eager to boycott it over slight costume changes for one of the game's younger female characters.
Sydney, EarthNight's young female character, is based on his little sister, and Stanley is a tweaked version of one of the BeardWars icons.
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