Sentences with phrase «young genes found»

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Suppose it could be shown from past letters that my father met my mother because he missed his train, and so caught the one on which he found this beautiful young woman sitting; suppose, further, that a super-computer could show that some of my genes can be traced back to a small creature scrabbling about in the Triassic mud.
Researchers from several institutions, including, UCLA, Boston University, Stanford University and the Institute for Aging Research at Hebrew SeniorLife, analyzed blood samples from nearly 10,000 people to find that genetic markers in the gene responsible for keeping telomeres (tips of chromosomes) youthfully longer, did not translate into a younger biologic age as measured by changes in proteins coating the DNA.
Joshua Akey of the University of Washington recently explored the average age of our species's gene variants, finding that most are very young.
As the young Levitan found out in lab experiments, certain of these gene packs, called 2L - 1 and 3R - 1, help the flies cope better with high temperatures.
«Rare genetic cause of peritoneal mesothelioma points to targeted therapy: Genetic rearrangement in the ALK gene found in young women with mesothelioma may be targetable with FDA - approved drugs.»
Under constitutive silencing of these young essential genes, lethality was high in the pupal stage and also found in the larval stages.
The researchers found: cord plasma increased the activity of several genes linked to neural plasticity and memory; young adult plasma activated a subset of the same genes; and older adult plasma had no effect on gene expression.
«We found sets of genes in young birds whose levels change when they sing, and are linked to learning,» said White, who is also a member of UCLA's Brain Research Institute.
The predominant modern su1 allele was found in all of the older Mexican cobs, but the younger New Mexican cobs had several different alleles, suggesting that this gene was still undergoing selection when maize reached North America.
Petris found that young mice missing the ATP7A gene in their intestinal cells were unable to absorb copper from food, resulting in an overall copper deficiency that mimics symptoms of Menkes disease in children.
FORTUNE TELLER A set of nine genes can signal whether a young adult will develop a strong response to the flu vaccine, a new study finds.
The researchers also found different gene expression patterns after the flu vaccination in younger and older people.
Instead, they found, in quiescent satellite cells taken from the younger mice, copious instances in which histones in the vicinity of genes ordinarily reserved for other tissues were marked with both «stop» and «go» signals, just as genes associated with development to mature - muscle status were.
The findings suggest that because children born to older fathers tend to have more potentially harmful genetic mutations than those with younger dads, they're less likely to pass on their genes.
By comparing the V. carteri germ and somatic cell transcriptomes, Matt and Umen found that the somatic cells had more transcripts from young, lineage - specific genes, whereas the germ cells had more transcripts from ancient genes that are similar to those expressed in stem cells from animals and land plants.
First Major Gene Mutation for Hereditary Prostate Cancer Found After a 20 - year quest to find a genetic driver for prostate cancer that strikes men at younger ages and runs in families, researchers have identified a rare, inherited mutation linked to a significantly higher risk of the disease.
October 18, 2011 Young human - specific genes correlated with brain evolution Young genes that appeared since the primate branch split from other mammal species are expressed in unique structures of the developing human brain, a new analysis finds.
To test whether she could find evidence that particular genes increase the odds of getting breast cancer, King applied mathematical methods to data from more than 1500 families of women younger than 55 years old with newly diagnosed breast cancer.
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