Sentences with phrase «young investigators chosen»

She is among 20 young investigators chosen to participate.

Not exact matches

Choosing promising junior investigators as session chairs whenever possible helps introduce these younger scientists to the field as a whole, and it creates a new group with a stake in the success of the meeting.
Next Wave asked some of academia's rising stars (see box)-- marked out as such because the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) has chosen to award them its prestigious Young Investigator accolade — to share the secrets of their success.
Until the 1960s, young scientists who chose to become postdocs (and most did not) stayed in that status for a year or two, then established themselves as independent investigators well before they left their 20s.
November 2011 - PI joins EMBO Young Investigator Programme EuroSyStem's Dr Sophie Jarriault is among the 22 European scientists chosen to join the EMBO Young Investigator Programme.
So hopefully we can create a financial situation where young investigators, if they choose to come here, will have a little more security.
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