Sentences with phrase «young marriage»

As with many young marriages, there was no one reason or person to blame; sometimes you realize you want different experiences out of life.
Results showed that individuals in their first marriage had more frequent sex than remarried individuals; marital duration had a curvilinear (U-shaped) relationship with frequency of sex; and a linear relationship between marital duration and frequency of sex varied by gender such that men had more frequent sex than women in younger marriages.
Youtube prankster Coby Persin recently took to Times Square to photograph himself and his «wife», who was 12 years old, in order to raise awareness of the long - standing legality of young marriage in Virginia.
Positive and responsive listening behavior benefits marital satisfaction, but previous reports have examined emotionally positive behavior confounded with responsive behavior, and focused primarily on younger marriages.
These groups also practice young marriage and isolation.
While I guess it's good that these people are encouraging sex for married people, I feel like this could lead to a lot of young marriages between Christians that just want to get to the good stuff without angering God.
«eDarling Buys Itself Back From eHarmony Main How The Internet May Have Increased Young Marriages 14 %»
«Iran Combats Online Dating With Official Site For Young Marriage Seekers Main How Grindr Makes It Easy To Stalk 5M Gay Men»
We avoided a lot of miscommunication heartache that tends to plague most young marriages simply because long - distance dating had perfected those skills.
Young marriages end in divorce roughly 60 percent of the time, according to Dr. Phil.
Joining this organization was an outstanding decision, no regrets - The Family Institute's mission and values mirror my belief system, and I like our dedication to educating and training young marriage and family therapists to be excellent clinicians and thought leaders in the field.
I too have been through two divorces — the first, a way - too - young marriage with no kids (BUT a custody battle over our cat), and a second, after two decades of a life together with two kids.
The goal, obviously, would be a culture - wide reaffirmation of young marriage.
Particularly in a young marriage, one of the major helps each can give the other is to prevent inappropriate regression — unconstructive excursions back to childish gratification.
For this reason, I've come to see many of the young marriages of Christians as more of a detriment to the work of the church than a blessing.
In spite of their areas of conflict, the Greens» young marriage is satisfying many of their needs as persons.
Should their young marriage encounter turbulence, Russo will be able to draw on lessons from his other marriage — the one with Francesa.
«Young marriages are very prevalent in LDS culture, and people can feel isolated if they're not part of that trend, but we take the work and worry out of dating so our clients feel excited again.»
Last Night - This barely released indie has some interesting ideas on a young marriage withstanding unfaithful impulses.
Told through Will and Katherine's alternating viewpoints - and inspired by the lives of the author's maternal grandparents - City of Tranquil Light is a tender and elegiac portrait of a young marriage set against the backdrop of the shifting face of a beautiful but torn nation.
Inspired by the lives of the author's maternal grandparents - City of Tranquil Light is a tender and elegiac portrait of a young marriage set against the backdrop of the shifting face of a beautiful but torn nation.
2 single drivers in their early 30s, a young marriage in their early 20s, and a married senior couple.
We speculate that relationship permanency may drive the greater sexual activity in first marriages and sicker men in younger marriages may drive frequency of sex for women in younger marriages.
This thing almost killed me and marred my young marriage forever.
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