Sentences with phrase «young people of today»

In an increasingly competitive job market, we wanted to really delve into what young people of today were thinking ahead of embarking on their career paths.
Driving after 10 pm must be restricted especially to teenagers of today this is to reduce accidents since most of the road misfortunes involve young people of today's generation.
The young people of today think of nothing but themselves.
The young person of today can expect to reach Psalm 90's minimum of «threescore years and ten.»
I am inspired by the young people of today who are following in Dr. King's footsteps by launching their own movements for equality and justice.
McDougald, whose career in civic activism began when she went with her mother to a sit - in at age 13, said she wanted the young people of today to find civic engagement.
Do you think the young people of today can change those things?
Moreover, it highlights a major issue, that current teaching methods may no longer be the best and most effective approach for the young people of today.
People have literally sacrificed their lives to create a better life for the young people of today.
Previous generations of Americans have been labeled Generation X, the Greatest Generation, and the Lost Generation, but if the young people of today want to succeed amid the souped - up competition of the global economy, they had better become the Science Generation.
Young people of today are totally connected and reliant to their digital world; many pupils are finding it difficult to disconnect and are demystified with relevance of what they are having to learn.
The young people of today are the clients of tomorrow, so how are lawyers to stay relevant for this future market and clientele?
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