Sentences with phrase «young people today»

Unfortunately, many young people today do not have the appropriate business skills, and as a result many hiring managers are reluctant to interview them.
The sexual ethics of young people today is a paradigm of how difficult it is to make moral judgments or to find ready answers to complicated moral questions.
I think that's a hugely important message for young people today: with hard work you achieve things you never dreamed of.
Yoga may be popular with younger people today, but that doesn't mean it's not a great workout for seniors.
From research that we've been involved with we know that youth unemployment is the biggest single issue facing young people today.
You think young people today don't understand the concept of delayed gratification?
As young people today we have grown up with computers, but it's easy to forget that even people just a a couple of years older have not!
I don't think young people today realize just how much of a victory they've had.
More and more young people today prefer meeting people in the Internet.
The fact is that most young people today already own some form of these devices and use them extensively.
The drive we see from young people today to preserve our planet is reason enough to support leaders who can make a real change for their futures.
Young people today received little financial education in high school or college.
If young people today prefer reading blogs to curling up with a good book, then what will become of the generation that follows them?
I will wager that very few young people today know the meaning of the word mortgage.
Young people today represent one of the most educated, least violent, and most socially connected generations the world has seen.
I am not young but young people today volunteer today more than any other young people in American history.
Young people today expect to have complete control over their life.
To help him decide, he followed the same advice he gives young people today.
TT: Young people today study and learn about global climate change and technologies to fight it.
Most young people today use social media to express their feelings and aspirations.
They simply are not making as many young people today as they did in the past.
Perhaps this is not so true of young people today, but for me, it is the defining characteristic of my life.
I didn't mean to imply that young people today do not have real faith.
We know, for instance, that most young people today will have five or six jobs, if not careers, over the course of their working lives.
Xarissa spoke to us of the divide in young people today between those who struggle against long odds driven by some hope, and others who see such struggles as comedy roles for the hopelessly naive in a farce written for cynics.
How many young people today grow up trying to label their subjective sexual feelings somewhere along the continuum of Kinsey's homosexual - bisexual - heterosexual scale?
Before policymakers and pundits conclude that the rise in student loans is the cause of the decline in rates of entrepreneurship among millennials — and decide that debt relief is the way to boost entrepreneurial activity among young people today — they should consider that waning interest in entrepreneurship predates the student loan crisis by many years.
The schools minister denied that reforms to the curriculum were adding to the pressure on students, claiming that «there are a raft of real - world pressures» — including social media — weighing on young people today.
In our acquisitive society it is now the fashion to insist that there is nothing so practical as theory (thus defending the study of «pure» and apparently useless subjects), and that a broad humanistic education is really the best preparation for ambitious young people today because their work as executives will require a deep understanding of human motives and the capacity, gained from a wide cultural perspective, to adapt readily to the new circumstances of a dynamic civilization.
So often ~ young people today worship rock stars and athletes ~ and the mainstream media creates heroes out of people who sing well or are born into...
So often ~ young people today worship rock stars and athletes ~ and the mainstream media creates heroes out of people who sing well or are born into royalty.
What attracts young people today is contemporary art.
In stark contrast to the pressure to succeed that plagues young people today, gen X was raised on criticism and low expectations.
Less than half the participants who take part in the Welsh Government's Jobs Growth Wales scheme get a job, showing that the Welsh Labour Government has a long way to go to help young people today.
Gen Y has not only demonstrated a propensity to use loads of technology as consumers, but young people today also like how tech companies treat their employees.
How many young people today commit suicide over what they hear from the pulpit?
Cynicism and careerism disfigure many talented young people today.
Like many urban young people today, they had to endure that scandal, and to make life even more difficult, Joseph and Mary were forced to flee their hometown with their son to a neighboring nation as immigrants to escape persecution and genocide.
Young people today simply do not believe me when I say this but I can only say ask any midwife of my generation who has had a good deal of district experience and she will confirm this.
Youth to Women and Manhood takes on the issues that confront young people today with speakers and special guests focused on helping teenagers strengthen their communities and enrich their own lives (Boston)
«The fact is that more young people today bring behavioural and emotional issues into school and need intensive, often one - on - one help inside and outside the classroom.
A peek into any bleary - eyed classroom in the country will tell you that many youths are sleep - deprived, but it's unclear whether young people today are in fact sleeping less.
«Young people today strongly believe in egalitarian marriage — even if they don't always follow it in practice,» she said.
Young people today Sheri Moon Zombie was born Sheri Lyn Skurkis.
(Not coincidentally, about a third of young people today complete a four - year college degree.)
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