Sentences with phrase «young person concerned»

The process should also consider the different ages of the child or young person concerned, particularly for young people preparing for adulthood.
· Young Citizens (Lewisham, London) Founded by six year 7 pupils in Prendergast Ladywell Fields College, Young Citizens connects young people concerned about violence and crime with the individuals and organisations who can help, with the aim of improving the safety of the Lewisham community and the lives of those within it.
He added: «This is little short of a tragedy for the young people concerned and an enormous waste of talent for our country.»
Using real stories of self - harm and recovery, our videos and accompanying packs enable those crucial first steps and conversations which can be life - changing for the young people concerned
We all know this can have a terrible impact on the young people concerned
«It is not in the interest of pupils to prolong this process unnecessarily, as this can lead to increased worry and stress on the part of the young people concerned
The course challenged participants to think about the messages that we send to young people concerning what success and having a good life means, and discussed how encouraging students to be reflective and cognizant of choices could support their development as responsible individuals.
For young people concerned about their opportunities in a world shaped by the climate crisis, Campus Corps offers the chance to take their future into their own hands, starting in their college dormitories, classrooms, and campus quads.

Not exact matches

When people express concern about how smartphones are damaging our young people, I laugh.
When people are younger they may not be as concerned with these milestones.
It's a scary world out there for young people and parents concerned about their long - term future.
I've found that many young people would actually prefer to work for a smaller company in a bigger role — their main concerns are around the risks.
To justify its relatively high valuation and fend off concerns about slowing user growth, Snap has emphasized how important Snapchat is to its users, how long they spend on the app and the revenue potential of the emerging trend for young people to communicate with video rather than text.
It's important to today's young people to work for a company they can be proud of — one that shares their values and concerns.
However, the issue of phone addiction among young people has become a growing concern in the United States as parents report their children can not give up their phones.
Isolation is of such concern that young people 16 to 24 who are neither employed nor in school are now tracked and classified as «disconnected youth.»
Levels of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts have gone up in the last ten years,» notes Cowart, as well as a great many others concerned about the mental health of young people.
Today, young people are more concerned with smartphones and tech gadgets when it comes to expensive purchases, and as smarter consumers, they find a way to afford them.
Beyond these concerns, of course, we still need to fix problems that have been with us for some time during the crisis: unacceptably high unemployment, especially among young people; high levels of debt in many countries; and the need to complete the financial reform agenda.
Private car ownership is more aspirational in India, a country with growing Internet access and a large population of young people who are concerned about pollution and open to ride - sharing.
As far as i am concerned my vote goes to 2 people or type of entrepreneurs warren buffet and Steve jobs because of the way they rose and also did business is amazing and inspiration for many young entrepreneurs
Many of the young people who showed up for the March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C., were concerned not just about mass shootings, but the kind of gun violence that draws fewer headlines.
Younger people and first - time homebuyers have more concerns, especially about the financial aspects of real estate.
Gareth Cheeseman from the Christian charity Acet UK which runs sex education classes said: «Our concern at the moment is the number of young people who don't receive any relationship and sex education because their teachers are untrained and they don't have the curriculum time to cover it, anything that can help tackle that issue has the potential to be a positive force.»
The Times had been conducting an investigation into the cause of the riots, and interviews with young people and community workers on estates across London revealed «deep concerns about the lack of parental authority».
Her second point was that teenagers are already talking about this, so it is easy for Christians to engage with when we've got such an appealing alternative: «If the church wants to be connecting with young people, we need to be hearing what their concerns are and this has been subject young people have been really willing to open up about.»
When I go through David Kinnaman's research, which reflects just about every concern I express in my «15 Reasons» posts --(young people are leaving the church because they believe it is too exclusive, too combative with science, hyper - political, out - of - touch when it comes to sexuality, and an unsafe place in which to wrestle with doubt)-- I am often met with blank stares.
I sense from the rest of the interview that Graham is concerned about evangelicalism's preoccupation with power and politics, which is indeed driving a lot of young people away and muddying the gospel message.
Amid concerns about young people leaving the Church, another problem facing the Catholic church is a decline in nuns.
They must be concerned that large numbers of young people never come within the sphere of their teaching or influence.
Young people readily learn to respect parents and teachers who respect them enough to make demands upon them commensurate with their ability and inspired by concern for truth and right.
Many young people in Latin America, who were motivated by the Gospel to love their neighbor and be concerned for justice and freedom in their society, have often become Marxists simply because their churches did not provide biblical instruction about Christian discipleship, or because they [their churches] were blind to clear demands from the Bible and opportunities and challenges provided by new social situations.80
Some experts are concerned that the drop - off [sexually] reflects the difficulty some young people are having in forming deep romantic connections.
The popularity Sanders enjoys among young people indicates a troubling desire to expand government, something that should concern any conservative.
A couple of things caught my eye this week concerning what has been called a «Reformed resurgence» among young people.
young people are protected from teaching and materials which are inappropriate, having regard to the age and the religious and cultural background of the pupils concerned
She also expressed concern about the impact on young people when they aim to take the «perfect selfie».
Though some of the splashier and more publicized experiments of the «wired church» attract the most attention and concern, most congregations that use computer technology are simply trying to make the ministries in which they are already engaged more effective, attractive and applicable to the lives of the people they serve, especially the young, for whom these technologies are as familiar a part of everyday life as using the telephone — a mobile unit, that is.
BUT, a) that meeting was all about «what can we do to keep the young people / how are your needs not being met and what can we do about that,» and b) his response did not convey any measure of concern regarding her feelings of betrayal and neglect.
While your concerns and fears may seem like they don't measure up to those who are more experienced in life, I happen to think the season of young adulthood is one of the most beautiful and rewarding times in a person's life.
The Archbishop said he had an «active and deep concern» for witness to young people who were not associating the Gospel message with their own strong sense of right.
There were concerns that Pokémon could be a demonic influence on our young people.
The study suggested that confliots in sanctions in the home concerning the use of alcohol is a factor which seems to encourage incipient alcoholism in young people.
When I brought my concerns about campaigns to sanitise the abuse of children and young persons to a group of MPs I was met with shock and denial.
As a young person, I was so concerned about the «risk» of relationships turning sexual that I erred on the side of suppression and isolation (which leads to destructive explosions).
c) As a solid reference point for parochial catechesis it is necessary to have a nucleus of mature Christians, initiated into the faith, to whom different pastoral concerns can be entrusted d) While the preceding points refer mainly to adults, at the same time catechesis for children, adolescents, and young people which is always indispensable will also benefit greatly» (GDC 258)
My biggest concern is that conservative evangelicals are setting young people up for significant faith crises by not educating them about the evidence.
Midwest Christian Outreach has been researching and critiquing Gothard's ministry since the early 1990s, when it began receiving calls from residents of Oak Brook and another Chicago suburb, Hinsdale, who expressed concern about how Gothard's ministry was treating young people.
Some people, has an age concerned, they always think young players are what needed during transfer window, my friend this is BIG NO, what Arsenal need just now is to have players who can deliver and win us mojor trophies even if for a single season, we don't care of their ages
«By using younger linemen, we may have players more concerned with making a play to keep their jobs than with keeping people off Ray.»
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