Sentences with phrase «younger children choices»

Try to include children in decisions affecting them; give younger children choices to help them make a decision.

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I was struck by how many of my female alumni colleagues had put their careers on hold to stay at home with young children, while almost none of the men had made that choice.
People younger than 30 — typically without children or spouses of their own — have the energy, ambition and bandwidth to make career or entrepreneurial choices which may be too scary later in life.
Child - care interest groups and their unthinking feminist allies use the rhetoric of «choice» and «quality» and their status as professional educators and guardians of young children to disguise as dispassionate advice what is in fact a political horse trade.
So religion teaches young children, who had no choice in what they will eventually want to believe, that they are nothing... unless you believe what we tell you.
Well, as an atheist I understand the concern that young children will be indoctrinated into an ideology and not taught to make choices for themselves and to be independent.
Meat Free Monday is a global citizenship project which aims to encourage school communities to reduce their meat and fish consumption in order to help children and young people make healthier food choices whilst simultaneously encouraging a responsible attitude to the planet.
Ultimately, children and young people will go on to make their own decisions about what they eat, but as long as schools offer students the opportunity to think, discuss and debate the issues as well as to cook and eat good vegetarian food, a weekly meat free day provides them with the knowledge and experience with which to make informed, responsible and compassionate choices.
«Research shows when children are exposed to cooking fresh foods from a young age, they are more likely to make healthy dietary choices later in life.
While the conversation lately has been about how many socioeconomically disadvantaged women are having children outside of marriage as well as the rise in choice motherhood, don't be surprised if we start talking instead about how more young couples are finding that it's a much better deal — and a heck of a lot easier — to find someone who'll be a good person to co-parent with than it is finding a soul mate.
And when I was divorced in my 40s with two children young children and working full time again, I didn't have any choices, either.
I know this review is a bit lengthy but if you're a fussy parent like me it's good to know what to expect when you take young babies / toddlers — for us Vilamoura was a natural choice for the past 2 years in a row as its child friendly, safe, clean with lots of superb choices to eat and facilities.
But what does it really mean to ask for a «new ethic of responsible parenthood» for the many young, poor women who see having children as «an absolutely essential part of a young woman's life, the chief source of identity and meaning» as well as a mature, responsible choice, as Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas discovered in their ground - breaking book Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood Before Marriage.
The other restaurants allow kids and are very good, but there aren't many choices for young children.
Then during lunch time they would be in the cafeteria encouraging younger children to make healthier choices and praising them for doing so.
Dr. William Sears in The Baby Book recommends against soy formula as a first choice for many reasons including that «30 - 50 percent of infants who are allergic to cow's milk protein are also allergic to soy protein,» and that «giving an infant soy at a young age, when intestines are more permeable to allergens, may predispose the child to soy allergies later on, even as an adult.»
A good choice for parents of a newborn or very young child is to be the holiday host home.
How might your choice change at different times in your life — if you had young children?
Young children thrive on praise, particularly when we praise their good choices and actions.
While they're young, your food choices and menus will determine what your children eat.
«UNICEF strives to create an environment that enables the best choices in infant and young child feeding practices by supporting the breastfeeding and complementary feeding efforts of partner countries and our NGO colleagues at three levels: improving national regulation and oversight, enhancing the knowledge and skills of health personnel, and increasing success in the community by providing support for each new mother to make the best choices in feeding her children».
Dear Abby: I am responding to the letter from Earl Reinke in Seoul, who said that a young, unmarried woman who had chosen to keep and raise her child in a «fatherless home» had made a selfish choice.
Younger children will need you to offer them choices, while mid-elementary aged kids and up can make choices more independently, but discussion and coaching with all kids is helpful.
My children are grown, but there were plenty of times during my 24 years of parenthood when I have had to be the bad guy, including saying no to crappy food and other poor choices my chidlren wanted to make when they were younger.
We've found that this walkie - talkie is a great choice for young children.
Dolls impart a sense of comfort and security to young children, but you have to be careful that your doll of choice is appropriate for babies.
Young children begin to realize that they have power to make their own choices and take charge of their own actions.
The Olive Kids Lunch Box is the perfect choice for children as young as three years old.
If you want a white noise sound machine exclusively for your baby or young child, this is a great choice.
In addition to contributing to the current childhood obesity epidemic, kids who don't have healthy diets as young children are likely to continue to make unhealthy choices as teens and adults.
Let's not shortchange ourselves by thinking we can do it all without making good choices that fit our lives as moms of infants and young children.
And we expect parents to have access to information so that they can make informed choices about how they feed the most vulnerable and precious people in our society, babies and young children.
It is an excellent choice for people with two young children who don't want to be saddled with two separate strollers.
Buffets are a good choice for eating out with young children since you have a variety of foods to choose from for picky eaters and you can eat right away.
The youngest two are from a new partner and this has made my choices much easier and I am supported and my children are much better off for this.
A celebrated winner of the coveted Parents Choice Award, the National Parenting Centers seal of Approval, and an iParenting Media Award., toddlers and young children will love listening to and learning these interactive songs with their parents, teachers and friends.
Given a choice, young children will usually choose to be in a natural environment.
As our babies begin to take solid foods, usually the second half of the first year, we have another opportunity to establish good health through the choices we offer our young babies and children.
I am happy with my choice to balance my children's attachment needs and my family values with our financial needs and my career path, and know that as my youngest child grows beyond the critical early childhood years when attachment needs are strongest, I can always choose to go back to working outside the home.
For younger children, you can give them limited choices.
The other half worked on helping local schools and child care centers educate young children about the importance of healthy choices, and they had lots of fun creating healthy snacks with preschool children.
Can be cumbersome and heavy to fold and lift; tough choice for twins or two young children because usually only one seat reclines fully for naps
For instance, younger children might be given the choice of going to bed now or in five minutes.
There were definitely stages and phases in our young children's lives that made me question the choices we'd made.
Parents of younger children have it easier because they can edit costume choices to a much greater extent.
When getting ready for school, younger children might be given the choice of putting on their shoes before we leave in 5 minutes or putting them on in the car.
Using only two choices works best with young children.
Some of them have padding that ensures that no parts of the wood stay exposed and these are the best choice if you have a younger / special needs child.
Little Ashkim provides parents with a new choice in towels and clothing for babies and young children.
Patricia Mucavele, research and nutrition manager at the School Food Trust, which offers its own advice on packed lunches, said, «School lunches are now the most nutritious choice for children and young people.
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