Sentences with phrase «younger generations do»

It's also only been in the past half - century that household items have become so cheap and easy to come by that younger generations do not feel the need to accept and cherish items from parents.
Younger generations do not feel this way.
A good way to feel young is to do what younger generations do: for instance, use social media and dating websites.
Most of the younger generations do not need to be guided in the use of online dating sites effectively.
The younger generations don't watch TV and the older ones will start turning it off if nasty political advertising is all they see.
They, like any younger generation don't exactly know what they're getting into, except their own views of right and wrong, good and bad, and green.
The one child policy has also created management succession issues because the younger generation does not necessarily want to run the family business.
«The younger generation don't use digital currency in day - to - day transactions but they don't use cash either,» Shinfield.
We believe that if some of the younger generation do not know him now that he is alive they would not be able to talk about him when he is gone.
Seniors are more tech savvy than ever before, and can rely on their computers and handheld devices just as much as the younger generation do.
He said that the younger generation doesn't see education as a career at all, but more like something to do for a year or two until they get a real job.
But that does mean that some of the younger generation DO prioritize these trivial matters above their student loans.
I'm all about reading and I hope the younger generation does it a little more than their parents did.
Sad but true, nowadays, many Balinese especially the younger generation do not know how to express and measuring time in traditional Balinese way.
Well, much of the younger generation don't know about Hiroshima - when I test - drived this metaphor on my teenage daughter, she asked «what's Hiroshima?».
Elderly people do not have the benefit of a strong immune system the way that the younger generation does, and consequently the Infections from bedsores caused by negligence or fractures caused by abuse and intentional misguidance are harder to recover from for them.
Also as India's younger generation don't have any pension to take care after retirement, securing financial future of their family in their absence will be of utmost important which would be taken care under PM Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana.
«While there is a lot to be said for experience, there is a depth and wisdom that comes with that, and up to this point younger generations didn't challenge that.
The younger generation doesn't have enough money or time and neither do older generations.
«The younger generation don't want to pay a 2 percent commission when they could sell their own house.

Not exact matches

We have a younger generation, for instance, used to being able to do everything online — ordering food, doing banking tasks, shopping and more — and they don't want to sit on a phone waiting to speak to someone who reads a script and provides little benefit.
They do not want to be dictated to by the younger generation, who in turn are also very respectful and submissive given the success of their predecessor.
Young adults today, as a group, have it tougher than previous generations did when starting out.
We now have more PIs age 66 and older than we do 36 and younger — and with this aging of America's biomedical research force, we have put «a generation of science at risk.»
Do young people have any less of it than older generations?
They are the youngest generation in the workforce, and so, they don't have good experience providing constructive feedback.
While the market certainly offers opportunity for a younger generation, they're not going to dominate like they did in 2015.
Take into consideration that you're competing with a younger, less experienced, but much more knowledgeable generation, so if you want to make yourself valuable in a new field, there isn't anything that you don't need to know.
Elliott had a generation of young managers eager to do what Cohn had done in their respective industries, from energy to metals and mining.
Thiel has pointed out, reasonably enough, that America's political system is stuck in a long period of gridlock and the current generation of young Americans faces dimmer financial prospects than their parents did.
But while most critiques of Millennials are sensationalist silliness, that doesn't mean that today's young people, like every generation before them, aren't making some serious, career - limiting mistakes.
On the other hand, 69 percent of millennials say it's a good thing for parents to encourage young boys to play with toys and pursue activities normally associated with girls, while older generations don't support such a move as much.
Actually, the new generation, the next generation, younger than us, they don't care.
It's been eight years since investors have experienced a bear market, and the youngest generation of investors may have never done so.
TORONTO, January 27, 2015 - While a majority (72 per cent) of younger Canadians aged 18 to 34 say they owe it to their parents to keep them comfortable in retirement, a higher majority (76 per cent) of their parents» Boomer generation (aged 50 - 69) doesn't want this «IOU», according to the 2015 RBC Financial Independence in Retirement Poll.
The word simply doesn't ring true; if he can develop some discernment, he could yet become a genuine thought leader for the younger generations.
The church attendance drop does appear to be genuine, but small, when you compare rates at same age, but the prayer difference seems to be just an age issue: «Although Millennials report praying less often than their elders do today, the GSS shows that Millennials are in sync with Generation X and Baby Boomers when members of those generations were younger
John Prest, national stewardship officer quote at the Church of England, told the Financial Times: «We're aware that younger generations - and there are many people now who don't carry cash - want to give in different ways».
LOVE Those few we know in our generation and younger who have stopped going to church on Sundays have done so for (mostly) one reason: they weren't loved.
Schuller's Institute for Successful Church Leadership did (and does) fill the role for an older generation of church leaders that the Willow Creek Association now fills for the younger.
We should be as concerned about what the FOX TV show Glee has done to corrupt a young generation as we are about anything the Court has done.
The GOP was soundly defeated on social issues last night, and the majority of the younger generation simply does not hold anti-gay and anti-abortion views to the extent you profess.
They have carried out several surveys and listened to young people about how to reach a generation that don't automatically go to church.
She doesn't have the least interest in our god - given human hunger for meaning and transcendent values all Mother Nature cares about is the survival of the species which requires getting the DNA from one generation to the next and providing for the young until they are self - sufficient enough to sustain their own lives and we are the venue.
I don't know if Mohler is correct when he states that, «young people can now see millions that are missing from their own generation,» but it sure rings false.
Rabbi Maurice Davis of White Plains, New York, points out that the present generation of Jewish young people, those born here in the «60s, is the first one that can not reasonably expect to surpass its parents» achievements, as those parents did their parents».
The generation after the sixties, says Lasch, doesn't even have a name, but that doesn't prevent it from coming in for harsh criticism from those who say young people have failed to «keep the faith» with the earlier radicalism.
Whereas 85 percent of the silent generation — the generation before baby boomers — identify as Christian, only 56 percent of today's younger millennials do.
I think most of the Americans are in lost... as most of them do not know who their father is and it is very unfortunate... even if they know who their father is, the mom has children from diff men outside of marriage... and while a child is being raised, watching what his / her parents do to enjoy their life... so things become normal when they grow up... like if you go back early nineteen century, women were not allowed to go to beach without being covered... and now it totally opposite... if you do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend before 15, the parents worries that their teenage has some problem... and lot more can be listed... And then you go to Church, what our children learn from there... they see in front of the Church an old man's statue with long beard standing with extending of both hand... some of the status are blank, white, Spanish and so on... so they are being taught God as an old dude... then you learn from Catholic that you pray to Jesus, Mother Marry, Saints, Death spirit and all these... the poll shows a huge number of young American turns to Atheism or believing there is no God and so on... Its hard to assume where these nations are going with the name of modernization... nothing wrong having scientists discovered the cure of aids or the pics from mars but... we should all think and learn from our previous generations and correct ourselves... also ppl are becoming so much slave of material things...
Vidal - Naquet's reply to Robert Faurisson applies with equal validity to Bradley Smith: «We do not «debate» him; we demonstrate the mechanisms of his lies, which may be methodologically useful for the younger generations
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