Sentences with phrase «younger members who»

The younger members who are involved talk to other members and get them involved.
Still, this is a rip - snorting adventure fantasy for families, especially the younger members who are not insistent on continuity.
Many of these members have returned to the fold, along with new, younger members who only vaguely recall Iraq and were politicised in the 2010 student protest or after.
I prayed that it would be beneficial for the church to consider and that it would bless and encourage the younger members who were walking through similar things.
particularly those younger members who would otherwise be supplying the liberal Protestants of the future.
Complacency led McIntosh to underrate the threat posed by the ambitious young members who supported Livingstone, as well as by cynical opportunists who had sniffed a change of regime and wanted their reward.

Not exact matches

And she sought constant feedback from her girlfriends, who were members of her target market of smart, up - and - coming young people.
Or you might disclaim to benefit another family member — say, if the asset would go to a younger family member in a lower tax bracket, or someone who would be able to stretch out distributions of an inherited IRA over a longer period.
When traditional funding sources aren't available, especially to young entrepreneurs who lack collateral, family members can bridge the gap.
Individuals who are not eligible for a Pell Grant but are younger than 24 and had a parent who was a member of the U.S. armed forces and died as a result of military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after 9/11 may be eligible for an Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant.
«We now know that young people who are going into the office for the first time are making decisions about who they work for not based on how much they're getting paid, but on the space design,» ASID president Randy Fiser told members of the design community at the recent Science of Design Conference at Liberty Science Center in New Jersey.
Happy birthday from Bob to Erica (a year younger than mass - produced personal computers) and Heather (twice the age of Google); to Christine's son Matt (a year younger than The Simpsons); to Vikram (a year younger than the International Space Station); to Pamela's childhood friend Bert (twice the age of Macintosh computers); to Marian's son Bryan (the same age as Kobe Bryant); and to our editor who makes this newsletter possible, Rosa (one - sixth the age of The Atlantic), from the other members of the Daily team.
«Every member of our judging panel has signed on because they recognize the value of discovering the young minds who will change the future landscape of Canadian businesses by thinking green,» said Shelley Broader, president and CEO of Walmart Canada.
Meet three Young Rich list members who have «gone global» early in their careers and reaped the rewards.
The Green Party Member of European Parliament, a German citizen who looks even younger than his tender 35 years, shepherded the legislation through as vice chair for the parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.
Bishop Eddie Long, the Atlanta pastor who has received massive media attention since four young men accused him of sexual coercion last September, is entangled in a dispute with an entrepreneur over $ 1 million in investments that Long wants returned to his church members.
Mr Schaefer, who has been in a same - sex relationship for four - and - a-half years, attended St John's in his younger years and remains a member.
I sense, although you're much younger than me, we who follow Ray's comet are members of a big international creative club separated by less than one degree.
Years ago, as I spoke farewells to those who had attended the last session of a particular inquirers class — the very meeting in which I sought to «close the deal» of bringing new members on board — I noticed that two young couples stayed behind, talking intently with each other.
I have interviewed over the past seven years more than a hundred radical extremists, including numerous al Qaeda and Taliban members, and it appears the Tsarnaev brothers fit the profile of many young men who turn to radicalism.
Rubio, a Cuban - American who has played up his Catholic roots on the campaign trail and today attends Catholic churches as well as a Southern Baptist megachurch, was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints as a young boy.
«Anyone who does just a little digging on Bethke's YouTube channel or on Google will quickly learn that this young poet is a conservative Christian and member of the Mars Hill Church led by controversial pastor Mark Driscoll,» writes Patheos blogger Brian Kirk, a Missouri - based pastor.
A total of $ 125,000 was donated by a few members of the church to be given to members after seeing the results of a similar experiment with young pupils who used much smaller amounts of money.
He and two other young church members said Long is family - oriented, a mentor and a respected leader who has helped many families and individuals.
One of the more outspoken alcoholics I interviewed told of a young minister who apparently tried to use the AA group as a means of obtaining members for his church.
Thus the onus to foster the conversation is awkwardly placed on students or young faculty members, those living in the tensions between the academic and apologetic worlds and who feel the most pressure and enthusiasm for synthetic thinking.
The elder investment bankers are appalled that younger members of the fraternity who are already making $ 1 million a year, such as the convicted insider trader Dennis Levine of Drexel Burnham Lambert, are trying to make even more through illegal insider trading.
I know what panic I felt approaching a man who'd lost his wife of many years, both of whom were members of my church; or the man whose very young brother had died months earlier: Was it too late to say something?
As Wael Ghonim watched the uprising in Tunisia gain steam, he polled the members of the «We Are All Khaled Said» Facebook page - named after a young Egyptian who died at the hands of police in Alexandria - to see who might come to a protest in Egypt on January 25.
Members of the community decided that the Phillips young children, who are biracial, shouldn't see the hateful messages on their home.
There are young people who are church members but do not come from a church family.
My favorite part was «Their policy of recruiting and proselytizing young people to become missionaries, with promises of a low - cost education and a good career, is for the sole purpose of adding new members who are willing to add to the coffers of the church.»
When one of the members of the society collected a list of young men who frequented whorehouses in Boston, Mather set the society to «writing reproving letters to each of the fornicators.»
The film — which is based on a novel by William Paul Young — tells the story of a grieving father who meets God in the form of three individuals who represent members of the trinity.
The name forever associated with the campaign to abolish slavery is William Wilberforce (1759 - 1833), a member of the Clapham Sect, who became a member of Parliament in 1780 — the same year as the future Prime Minister William Pitt the Younger, who was a friend of Wilberforce, entered Parliament.
But a few years ago I got tired of politics, of church members who weren't interested in the youth program and curtailed any efforts we made to make our church the kind of place young people want to come.
Lotfy is a lawyer who specializes in human rights cases and also a member of a youth coalition that comprises young Egyptian revolutionaries of varied ideologies.
One was the work of a sociologist, Earl Brewer, who, with the aid of a theologian and a ministries specialist, sought by an extensive content analysis of sermons and other addresses given in a rural and an urban church to differentiate the patterns of belief and value constituting those two parishes.67 The second was the inquiry of a religious educator, C. Ellis Nelson, who departed from a curricular definition of education to envision the congregation as a «primary society» whose integral culture conditions its young and old members.68 James Dittes, the third author, described more fully the nature of the culture encountered in the local church.
While it is likely that they will pick another voting member of the College of Cardinals - the 118 Catholic leaders younger than 80 will vote on who should lead the church - the standards for who can become pope are remarkably loose.
For the not so young, for those who already have an established way of life, the book is still likely to reveal some very useful ways in which patterns of family life and behaviour might be addressed, with a view to all members of the family attaining to sanctity of life and eternity with God.
Based on what various family members and friends in the medical profession who deal with pregnant young women have told me, many pregnant out - of - wedlock young women face tremendous pressure from both their parents (including the good religious folks) and the guy who got them pregnant to have an abortion.
Older student and young adult members of Trinity who have since moved to other regions of the nation report that they carry on the church's vision in their new location.
Yet anyone who moves around the world of mainline Protestantism in America comes time and again upon congregations which, without any of the «strong» traits enumerated by Kelley, show remarkable vitality, not only in terms of growth (including the presence of large numbers of young people) but in terms of their members» expressed satisfaction with the spiritual comfort and nurture they derive from their participation.
Be Nice Project to help recognize community members who are inspiring positivity and encourage young people to be kind to one another.
They involve family and a few friends in a backyard and the entertainment is family members from young kids to tutus (grandmothers) getting up to dance the hula or join uncle who is playing ukulele.
Some parents strive to keep their homes and vehicles peanut - free even if their own children aren't allergic because it lessens the risk for young family members and friends who visit.
Meet three Young Rich list members who have «gone global» early in their careers and reaped the rewards.
In addition, effective immediately is the appointment of two new members to the Board of Directors: Jim Johnston, president, Beverage Concentrates, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, who will succeed Larry Young, and Steve Cahillane, executive vice president and president, North America Business Unit, Coca - Cola Enterprises Inc., who will succeed John Brock.
This award is for young members — students and young professionals — who demonstrate academic achievement, interest, enthusiasm and integrity in Sensory Research.
Arsene Wenger previously admitted that he saw similar qualities in Cohen as he did in a young Ashley Cole, who as we all remember turned out to be the best English left - back for the majority of his career, and was also a key member of our Invincibles side also.
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