Sentences with phrase «younger parts»

Step 4: As you connect with your sorrow, you connect with younger parts of you, parts of you that didn't know what to do with those feelings.
I think thats a personal preference — I think the too young part is more crucial because they should be legal age.
Wednesday Increasing self - compassion by cultivating compassion for younger parts of the personality: Learning to ask, «How did this part help me to survive?
The base of the tectonic plates appears to lie 44 miles beneath the oceanic islands, on average, and 50 miles below young parts of the continents, the team reported in Science.
Generation X: Among Gen Xers, the younger part of this cohort (ages 35 to 44) is focused more on living healthier in 2016 than any other resolution, while older Gen Xers (45 to 54) are the least concerned with this goal of any age group.
Labour's support is strongest in the younger part of the population.
They discovered that the cerebellum is the youngest part of the body and didn't age nearly as fast as other areas.
Some stars in globular clusters may be 15 billion years old, he says, but the great bulge at the center of the Milky Way — a younger part of the galaxy, according to conventional wisdom — actually holds stars that are 1 or 2 billion years older.
The funded part of the biomedical science workforce is getting older, while the younger part of it struggles for years in postdocs and other temporary positions.
New measurements will be needed within the young parts of the plate to confirm this study's predictions, either on very remote islands or through sensors on the ocean floor.»
This provides compelling evidence that the halo stars most likely originate from the Galactic thin disk (the younger part of Milky Way, strongly concentrated towards the Galactic plane) itself.
My connection to God has helped me to have the courage to finally connect with the younger parts of me that were frozen with terror and depression, but acted out most of the time with fury at the external world and myself.
Nørrebro is a vibrant, trendy and young part of Copenhagen.
An older - younger relationship can work wonders for the younger part of the equation, especially if they are looking for older men dating with permanence in mind, men who will stay present with them, who are calm and stable and who have spent time building their lives independently.
Im a grown up, but I like to keep the young part alive too - I do nt want to die bored.
-LSB-...] The GRS Introduction to Roth IRAs series Part 0: How compound returns favor the young Part 1: What is a Roth IRA and why should you care?
Reykjanes is a relatively small peninsula, it is one of the youngest parts of Iceland and here you can find several lava field of different ages, some covered in moss, some with grass, some with just black rocks.
Personally I'd like to see it explore the younger parts of John Marston's life but I'm not sure if they'd do that.
Mobile eSports is still a young part of the entire eSports scene but it is growing.
I always think of it as anthropogenic CO2 is «old» carbon with «young» oxygen, the old and young part being determined by isotope analysis similar to carbon dating.
To be fair, some petroleum companies are more progressive than others, and within individual companies, there are executives and younger parts of the workforce that privately express the need for the industry to change its ways.
This is designed to help insurers be more efficient and technologically advanced, to help them reduce administrative costs and, most importantly, reach the millenniums, the younger part of the potential client base in Italy, without compromising on consumer protection.
During this module, clinicians will learn how to use the «little self healing place» during the processing phases to nurture, support and heal the younger parts.
As their young parts are identified and understood as «heros» in the individual's story of survival, clients are able to feel more warmly toward them, often for the first time.
After all, those young parts of us are still there, and they show up in our adulthood in sometimes unknown and unexpected ways.
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