Sentences with phrase «youth finding acceptance»

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As fate would have it, after a thorough review of scripture, GLBTQ youth and young adults find acceptance, encouragement and affirmation as they strive toward celibate partnerships.
He recalled former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara «s lawsuit against the city for the abusive conditions at the jail, the city's subsequent acceptance of a federal monitor and the plight of youths like Kalief Browder who found themselves unable to afford bail and held behind bars for months, even years, awaiting trial.
We also explored whether depressed youth would show altered reactivity to peer acceptance or rejection relative to controls in regions typically associated with reward processing, such as the NAcc and mPFC, but were unsure whether to expect blunted or increased reactivity given conflicting initial findings on response to monetary and social reward in depressed youth (Forbes et al., 2006, 2009; Davey et al., 2011).
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