Sentences with phrase «youth sports participation»

As a clinical psychologist who works with athletes, I'm often asked to give talks to groups of parents, teachers, and coaches about healthy youth sport participation.
Whether or not youth sport participation can effectively prevent overweight and obesity depends upon energy balance, a function of calorie consumption and physical activity.
Social media has made youth sports accessible to almost everyone and the benefits of youth sport participation in a healthy scenario tremendously outweigh the detriments.
The report includes the most recent youth sports participation data and coaching metrics from the Sports & Fitness Industry Association; exclusive analysis of 40 + key developments from the past year; and grades in each of Project Play's eight «plays» or areas of shared opportunity.
«He truly understands the needs of the kids and community through youth sports participation and he devotes his tireless efforts to that cause.»
We will help them to be good citizens of the game and community, healthy and fit, while fostering inclusive, sustainable, healthy, safe and enjoyable youth sports participation and optimal athletic performance and achievement.
Youth sports participation teaches kids many wonderful life values but unfortunately many others learn some not - so - great things, too.
While there is great value in learning from the experts on healthy and sustainable youth sports participation, it is also vital to hear from those closest to the game — that is, the youth athletes and the coaches who work with them every day.
To better understand the relationship between youth sport participation and obesity prevention, we systematically reviewed the existing research on the association between sport participation and body weight, plus two major determinants of obesity, physical activity, and dietary intake.
Whether youth sport participation predicts future dietary intake is understudied and warrants further research.
The popular sports broadcaster reaped the benefits of her youth sports participation.
Through this strategic partnership, Sinclair and YSA will develop and implement a broad, creative social media, marketing and advocacy strategy that can be a catalyst for making measurable change for our youth through encouraging more sustainable and healthy athletic development and youth sports participation that will ultimately make sports healthier, safer and more enjoyable for our youth.
However, the rise in youth sports participation has caused an increase in sports - and recreation - related injuries among children.
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