Sentences with phrase «youthful state»

These are extremely beneficial, as we often see senior cats return to a more youthful state of being when blood tests identify an issue that can be easily treated.
It's also a fairly youthful state, with 21 percent of the population between 20 and 34.
A protein in blood can repair age - related damage in the brains and muscles of old mice, returning them to a more youthful state.
California is one of the most youthful states in the country and one of the places that pays college graduates the most.
Heart muscle cells (shown in green), regress to a more youthful state after injury, start dividing again (indicated by a red marker) to replenish lost cells and then mature a second time into cardiomyocytes.
A genetic switch linked to memory impairment in ageing mice has been flipped back on, restoring failing brains to a more youthful state.
Utah is the most youthful state in the nation, ranking just below urban Washington, D.C., on our list.
By living longer and remaining in a youthful state, specific individuals would be able to create and refine their skills to a much greater extent.
Then an experiment in 2005 found that young blood returned the liver and skeletal stem cells of old mice to a more youthful state, and work in 2012 discovered that young blood can reverse heart decline in old mice.
But cell biologist Leonard Guarente of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology says the evidence does suggest that being cloned was able to «restore a youthful state» to the donor cell's nucleus.
When compared to young people, it showed that the gene expression profile, after resistance training for six months, was reversed back to that of a more youthful state.
We wish to understand why cellular chaperone capacity declines during aging and how the system can be reset to a more youthful state
After a very extended childhood spent dividing in a culture dish, even stem cells tend to grow up and assume adult roles as workaday nerve, muscle, or blood cells, never to return to their youthful state.
Data has emerged in the last few years suggesting that the flexibility of our spine predicts the flexibility of our arteries, and a yoga practice centered on spine flexibility, like the Tibetans, may help maintain our arteries in a youthful state.
Because the goal is to return to a more youthful state, dermal fillers can give a natural appearance when compared to surgical face lifts with minimal to no downtime.
The use of these inhibitors are however becoming more popular in aging men seeking to gain control over their sex hormone levels, suppressing excess estrogen production while boosting low testosterone levels to a youthful state.
It uses the body's natural processes to stimulate collagen production and restore the vaginal area to a more youthful state.
While this cancer preventing effect is most important for women, inhibiting aromatase in aging men has tremendous potential for naturally suppressing excess estrogen while boosting low levels of testosterone to a youthful state.
Growth hormone is produced in the hypothalamus, which is situated above the pituitary gland, and is responsible for keeping the body in a youthful state by revitalizing the immune system, enhancing sexual function and most importantly for bodybuilders, stimulating muscle tissue repair.
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