Sentences with phrase «zealotry in»

Zealotry in the practice of family law is destructive and counterproductive, causes a breakdown in civility and collegiality among attorneys and completely unnecessary.
I question and am disturbed by any unwillingness to take action to stop zealotry in the practice of family law.
Zealotry in the practice of family law leads to unprofessional, uncivil, non-collegial conduct among attorneys, and ultimately increases all of our receivables.
That said, There Will Be Blood is riveting, and rollicking - a delirious exploration of human folly, of zealotry for fossil fuels and zealotry in the name of a god.
«Andrew Cuomo is in full meltdown realizing his rabid zealotry in imposing unfunded mandates on cash - strapped county governments may soon come to an end giving local property taxpayers desperately needed relief,» said spokesman Chris Pack in a statement.
I am loath to see a rush of religious «enthusiasm» and zealotry in public affairs, and in part for this reason I hope that rational, civil, and decorous expressions of the religious sensibility would be allowed greater compass in public affairs and discourse.
Impartiality on abortion is no virtue, zealotry in favor of abortion is no vice.
To be devout can be considered practicing zealotry in any area of belief.

Not exact matches

Efficient Market Zealotry Is Rampant in the Journalism Community.
Zealotry can exist even in relation to mundane cause and effect.
Many of the extreme ones are in positions of power, because there's usually a correlation between lack of morals, and religious zealotry, and the less extreme but not in power just follow along like sheep because that's what they are taught to do.
It is wise to cease in the practice of zealotry before you embarrass your brain.
Many scholars think that it was, in part, a disappointed Zealotry that incited members of the Jerusalem mob to call for Jesus» death when they might have asked for his release.
Same type of misguided, irrational zealotry as the Christian ones in fact or fiction.
They are agressive in their zealotry and act in identical resolution as the staunchest christian.
Some seem to think if your not a total freek in your zealotry you aren't a «real» Christian.
You must not be paying attention to not only how people will be voting, but / and even more importantly the people (especially the hyper - religious) that are running for and getting voted into office are with zealotry... attempting, and in some cases passing laws that are based on their «religious beliefs.»
Jesus knew heart change didn't come through political power, cultural pressure, or zealotry, so he was keenly disinterested in those things.
A true atheist would spend 0 dollars on a billboard, and just NOT CARE if anyone believed in anything... I think we are inventing a new term «aethistic zealotry»
It very much matters when religious zealotry is the main driving force between today's wars in the mid east.
But when Christianity has become so inextricably associated with right - wing hate groups and anti-everything zealotry, who in their right mind would want to join such a force?
Most Popular Comment (of the week): In response to «After You Read Love Wins,» Stephen Barkley wrote: «I've had a while to digest the book (as well as the zealotry that preceded it).
And in our present overarmed world, zealotry can easily hasten the moment when everything ends with a bang.
Fogarty's portrait of the persecution (there is no other word for it) of the Catholic University biblical scholar Henry Poels is a sobering reminder of how zeal for the Lord can, in the wrong hands, become mere zealotry.
A bestseller in Europe, The Conflict is a scathing indictment of a stealthy zealotry that cheats women of their full potential.
It has some short term benefits on a population level basis — which means it makes sense for government agencies who want to save some healthcare dollars to be interested in breastfeeding levels, but is a poor explanation for lactivist zealotry.
The same desirehas characterised destructive political ideologies and religious zealotry, anddoes not belong in a free society.
His main Democratic primary opponent, U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy, in many ways has been the object of Grayson's zealotry as much as the conservative Republican the winner will go on to face in November.
We will stand up, stand together, and reject the ultra-conservative zealotry that is tearing Washington apart once and for all in New York.»
The party must not confuse the magic of their former leader at its peak with his later zealotry for privatisation, war in Iraq and multimillionairedom
It's so easy to get wrapped up in the zealotry, turning gluten consumption into a sin, or dairy, or non-Paleo anything.
Elizabeth: The Golden Age could be accused of Jesuitical contortions if it showed any interest in exposing the intellectual pitfalls of fanaticism and didn't revel in it's own zealotry by, for example, showing a rosary and a cross sinking to the bottom of the English Channel.
As stated before, it doesn't appear that Scott is as interested in the social commentary, as he depicts both sides as heroes, although the villains of the film, the Templars, are the ones with the most religious zealotry, leading them to believe that the path to Heaven is opened by those who kill the infidels.
Watch enough of Matthew Heineman's Cartel Land, and you'll get the sense that he's interested in pursuing ideas about the cost of zealotry and vigilante justice.
Something unsavory is underway at the Department of Education and in the world of pre-school zealotry.
Education in America tends to be like religion, with cycles of stability and change, periodic crusades, and occasional bouts of zealotry and apostasy.
Above all, an inordinate number of words and pages are devoted to laying out what is depicted as zealotry and inconsistency among other participants in the debate over school choice, as if that tells one anything about the schools themselves.
Charles Glenn in «Fanatical Secularism» explains that public schools often propagate their beliefs with as much zealotry as any parochial school.
His zealotry was most likely what got him his job, but now that he sits in office his zealotry is proving a handicap.
here's something perverse about an ideology that views the disposing of an unborn child in the third trimester of pregnancy as an indisputable right but the desire of parents to choose a school for their kids as zealotry.
There's something perverse about an ideology that views the disposing of an unborn child in the third trimester of pregnancy as an indisputable right but the desire of parents to choose a school for their kids as zealotry.
Hidden Wives is an emotional and suspenseful story of life in a fundamentalist sect, the isolation, the despair, zealotry, and loss of identity that come along with belonging.
Years of experience combined with a zealotry to know what's going on in the insurance industry.
But his passion borders on zealotry and he's been prompted by a legion of animal welfare fanatics to propose a city ordinance that will ban the retail sale of dogs and cats in Tucson unless they come from animal shelters.
They make several (fallacious) points as to why Battlefield 3 is better, and every time I have to put up with this fanboyish zealotry, I feel a sharp pain in my head like I've been impaled by rebar.
The man who left his family to partake in the holy wars of far - off lands no longer exists, all that's left is a man who knows only the feeling of the hatred of zealotry, the sound of the cry of a thousand soldiers, and the smell of the thousand rotting, bloodied bodies felled by his sword.
The show is a particularly haunting and subtle meditation on American ignorance and superstition during our time of zealotry, demagoguery, and spectacle, where democracy is in question, and «flat earthers» have a substantial and growing following of devout believers.
(From Heat Waves in a Swamp or... «the healthy glamour of everyday life», Texts by Robert Gober, assisted by Becky Kinder) Reanalysis of Church Bells Ringing, Rainy Winter Night shows more fully how Burchfield used his newly developed symbolic pictographs to illustrate not only his childhood fears but also his adult distaste for religious zealotry, provoked by a Presbyterian Sunday school teacher, his evangelical grandfather, and the example of his late, unreligious father
THE hypocrisy and bald zealotry that often masquerade as energy policy «debate» in Canberra have been of an unusually high quality of late.
In fact, the heroic mythology of science taught to every school child portrays the close - minded forces of medieval religious zealotry suppressing scientific challenges to their orthodoxy using their era's version of the tactics employed by the global - warming faithful against apostates today.)
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