Sentences with phrase «zealots about»

In other words, I can't think of a single thing I can recall from VLCers, Ketosis fans, or Zero - Carb zealots about the Inuit that's true and accurate — at least in the context of what their diet actually is and how their metabolism responds to it.
This is the first thing I have ever agreed with this narrow - minded, sanctimonious zealot about.
Well, I'm passionate about my diet and lifestyle, but I just don't have it in me to be a zealot about it.
I am something of a zealot about this.

Not exact matches

About 15 years ago Cornell attended the «corporate athlete program» at the Human Performance Institute, making him a zealot for optimizing performance not only with exercise but also with adequate sleep.
Things aren't going to get better unless we get actively involved and try to knock some sense into these zealots, who are all worried about everyone's feelings whatever the facts may be.
Would all you religious zealots feel the same about expressing yourself if a devil worshiper got on the plane and started praying to the devil out loud.
In fact atheists are just about the most religious zealots there are.
You said, «In fact atheists are just about the most religious zealots there are.»
If Jesus existed (and that is not a given since his name means «salvation,» he's probably an allegorical character), and if the stories about his visit to Jerusalem early in the reign of Pontius Pilate are true, he died because he was an anti-Roman insurgent, probably involved in a Zealot uprising over the use of the Temple treasury to finance the construction of an aqueduct.
It's always very funny to see the religious zealots scream about what they «know» their god wants, but when it's an uncomfortable contradiction then «oh god can't be understood» or «who are you to question god» (might makes right?).
Many believe that Judas, along with the Zealots, felt that, if pushed to the brink of death, Jesus would declare himself King, and bring about this new kingdom.
This is the third Religion Blog piece on this one story about one religious zealot in Tennessee.
What about those zealots who want to forbid women to control their own bodies and have the final say over whether or not to continue an unplanned pregnancy?
Instead of asking him about «Zealot,» she asked him why, as a Muslim, he would presume to write a book about Jesus.
The Zealots were impatient and they believed that instead of waiting for God to establish the kingdom of God, people have a responsibility in bringing about the kingdom of God.
New Testament Scholars tell us that there are only three historical facts that we can be certain of about Jesus: (a) Jesus was part of the Kingdom of God movement, the belief in the divine sovereignty of Israel, and the desire for the divine expulsion of the Romans, (b) when Jesus came to Jerusalem to advance this movement, he was crucified, a penalty reserved specifically for those who posed a political or financial threat to the Roman Peace, and (c) a sect of the Kingdom of God movement continued in Jesus» name and memory, which was active in Jerusalem, and which lasted until 70 CE when the city was sacked and all the many different Zealot sects there were put down.
Whoops, sorry about that, here, we'll instead portray them as war - mongering zealots who just want to destroy America, would that be better?
Who would want to be trapped forever with a bunch of righteous zealots singing about their good fortune?
It truly is amazing how arrogant dishonest religius zealots like you can preach to others about humility and sacrifice when you have none at all.
Just another dumb bunch of zealots, spouting about their faith, NO proof of this lame assumption exists.
So you really think that this reactionary gang of religious zealots really cares about AMerica??
Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann and other lunatic pentecostal religious zealots care about these four things ONLY.
Seems to me we use the word fanatic or zealot when we talk about some of the crazies who run around screaming about their particular religion all the time.
This article is just awful; just another voice from zealot nation about how its dangerous to not have moral code directly tied to imaginary fairy tale beliefs from the bronze age.
They are freaking out about a mormon... yet it's Rick Perry who is a religious zealot and crazy man.
I guess if everybody knows about them, and just ignores them as insane zealots, then that helps a little bit.
Why has a book about Jesus (Zealot by Reza Aslan) which suggests he was nothing more than a rabble - rouser shot straight to the top of the bestseller charts...
Perhaps if humanity survives it's religious zealots and exists for many millennia to come, we may gather enough evidence to point us in the right direction to answering that huge question about what caused the Universe to be.
Yeah and we want all you religious zealots to stay the the hell out of our personal business and not try to create legislation that attempts to control us with your fairy tale ideals about morality etc..
as long as you do nt turn your kids into super religious zealot nazi's «cough» most of the homeschooled chirstians «cough» no real problem with religion aside from that tiny part in the old testimant about shunning and killing those who are differnt from ya i belive it was somewhere round the part in solomans temple having just been built and the whole buring of a offering at the temple and taking parts from it or something or other that was stolen from pagen's after the one of the so called holy crusades aka the earliest recorded holocausts of sentiant man
You are attempting to say that we should throw away everything we do know about matter because we don't know everything about it yet which is just the sort of position a lazy religious zealot would take.
All these comments go to show that we are very far away from what is suppose to SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE... all you religious zealots get a clue... if your god is so powerful why doesn't he put your man in office... I'll tell you... he could care less about the piddly human contest to rule the world... really, please, use some logic in determination of who is best for this country...
democrats and independents do not care about this issue — only the right - wing zealots are creating this shizstorm.
Alice's academic colleagues — with a few noble exceptions — weren't about to allow a «Catholic zealot,» to proselytize in the classroom.
Cumanus, who according to Josephus had been bribed by the Samaritans to remain inactive, did nothing about the incident, and when Jewish zealots took vengeance on the criminals he attacked them.
It probably won't affect anyone but the religious zealots, and who cares about them.
How about remembering the ACTUAL victims instead of listening to a bunch of whiny, pin - headed zealots try to out - victimize each other?
Higher likelihood of interventions like episiotomy, instrumental delivery, cs (and some outcomes that it seems only NCB zealots passionately care about like continuous monitoring, or epidurals).
There are a lot of safety issues on which I try to stay informed but there is one issue about which I am a true zealot: car seat safety.
There, at a Planned Parenthood rally, he railed against President Donald Trump and «extreme conservative zealots,» then met with City Council leaders about how he should intercede at the Housing Authority, a city agency.
Outrage at Tory MP Philip Davies» comments about «feminists zealots» happy with discrimination against men
That about captures Ripples» attitude to zealots on both sides of the divide: you can still practice your faith without becoming either a western or Arab caricature.
Tenaciously left - of - Maurice Hinchey congressional candidate Joel Tyner, unlike most zealots, seems to have a sense of humor about himself.
By the end of this article, you'll know more about gluten than the hordes of gluten haters and gluten - free zealots ever will.
Pike is a convincing zealot, bristling against the sexism inherent to how the male hostages try to earn her sympathy, but weighing the character down with a chintzy romance only makes everything else about her seem chintzy as well.
Deadpool 2 is the sort of movie where the heroes kill a guy — after spending the last act of the film saving that guy so one of the characters will learn a moral lesson — all in the hopes of scoring a quick laugh derived from the joys of knocking off religious zealots, while also using time travel during the mid-credits scene to erase a death that took place earlier in the film so as to avoid outraged howls from Internet folks about the wickedness of «fridging» tertiary female characters.
But after a former acolyte named Kaecilius (Mads Mikkelsen) steals a forbidden ritual from the Ancient One and goes rogue, amassing his own army of zealots to bring about world destruction, Strange must put aside his selfishness to help stop him.
But despite its often - overwhelming nonsensicality, there's ultimately something irresistibly fiendish about Silent Hill, which not only condemns holier - than - thou religious zealots, but also — if I understand its gruesome finale — seems to be firmly on the side of the Devil.
Kinsey tells of how a zoologist became the nation's premier sex expert, seeing an incredible lack of education as intolerable, led by moral zealots who sought to keep the public feeling puritanical about the act.
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