Sentences with phrase «zealots thought»

The only WHY is because a bunch of religious zealots thought their imaginary sky father told them to kill infidels.
Religious zealots think the rules of their gods trump human law.
People who dare to own over what ever number of dogs the animal rights zealots think ins enough have their dogs seized and often killed.

Not exact matches

Pedego store owners «are more mature and, I think, more rational» than younger business owners, says CEO DiCostanzo, an electric - vehicle zealot who is on his third Tesla.
It seems as if since the religious zealots God is unable to call down lightning as they think he should when they feel we have blasphemed him, the zealots enjoy taking matters into their own hands and attempt to bully and persecute and even murder atheists on their God's behalf.
However, I think that Republicans are afraid that the Tea Party would actually become more powerful than the Republican party due to all the religious zealots in America today.
Does it not occur to you zealots that your insistence on clinging to these deeply antiquated and divisive beliefs is also thoroughly offensive to those of us who do not cling to such irrational thoughts?
Breaking the law is what got JC pinned to the T. Even religious zealots today think it's ok to break the law because their faith tells them its ok.
Abandoning any pretense of professional journalism, Ms. Bennetts informs the reader that O'Connor is a «fanatic» and a «religious zealot» who thinks that he alone understands God's will and is determined to impose that understanding on everyone else.
You are no better than the religious zealots you so obviously think you are better than.
Zealots need to realize that not everyone thinks the same.
If you want to know what a conservative thinks of religious zealots, go read Barry Goldwater's prescient words:
If the early church could hold together communities made up of Jews and Greeks, slaves and free, men and women, circumcised and uncircumcised, tax collectors and zealots, prostitutes and Pharisees, kosher believers and non-kosher believers, those who ate food sacrificed to idols and those who refused, I guess this evolution - accepting, hell - questioning, liberal - leaning feminist can worship Jesus alongside a Tea Party complementarian who thinks the earth is 6,000 years old and that Ghandi and Anne Frank are in hell.
You are like all other religious zealots... your intransigence and lack of critical thought obfuscates your ability to discriminate between fact and fiction.
I think the percentage of religious - right zealots is overblown by the media.
Yep... youi small minded zealots are always looking for an «authority» to do all your thinking for you.
Thus it is not the literal mind of the religious zealot that prevents Muslims from seeing the difference between fact and fantasy or between dream and sanity, and we flatter ourselves if we think it is refined sensibility rather than cultural limitation that makes us strip dreams of any real significance.
Personally, I think you all sound like religious zealot nutbags and if I believed in a god then I'd be thanking that god right now that none of you people are of any importance in this nation.
The trick is fooling the world into thinking there is some invisible evil spirit that made you do bad things so you can shift the blame for the greed, the selfishness and the hubris with which most religious zealots conduct themselves.
I don't think we need any religious zealots in the public business world.
Apparently god doesn't expect dogmatic zealots who don't allow questioning authority to think things through.
So you really think that this reactionary gang of religious zealots really cares about AMerica??
Judging before obtaining all facts invariably results in error, especially when malicious organizations and people are interested in having you embrace their position — just think of all the zealots killing each other.
I think you are lying little zealot who feels that lying for Jesus is justified and a good thing.
Athiests are EVERY bit as ignorant as religious zealots that give in to extremist thinking sans proof.
Isn't there another group of people besides «some» of the Christian extremist zealots... Hmmmmm, let me think...
But if the early church could survive — and in fact, thrive amidst persecution — when it included both Jews and Gentiles, zealots and tax collectors, slaves and owners, men and women, those in support of circumcision and those against it, those staunchly opposed to eating food that had been sacrificed to idols and those who felt it necessary, then I think modern American Christianity can survive when it includes democrats and republicans, biblical literalists and biblical non-literalists, Calvinists and Arminians... so long as we're not rooting for one another's demise.
Another zealot who thinks he's on a god - driven mission.
These doomsdayers should all be sterilized so they can't reproduce.The brainwashing starts at an early age, passed down from generation to generation.It is programed into childrens psych and nurtured throught childhood.If the Bible is correct - noone will know the day or hour this will happen, It also says you can not add or take out of the scripture as well.It is totally laughable when you hear these nuts running around going against what their own textbook says.This (should) be a huge lesson for these zealots to keep their mouth shut, and stop trying to shove their doctorine down peoples throats - It's why most normal sane people laugh and think what a bunch of BS.
-- When Jesus created disciples from different political persuasions — zealot and tax collector — I think that shows a life - style that welcomes all that follow Him and ignores politics;
I think I knew of another guy that didn't own a suit and had hair and a beard... and from the pictures I've seen he was better looking than the red - faced cartoon - zealot too.
A last thought is that I'm advising my family never ever to purchase from this zealot company and similar intedies like them.
Do you really think any social program the governemnt could possibly administer will matter to you when you are surrounded by religous Zealots hell bent on punishing our «Evil» nation for its Crusades and crimes against Allah and are blowing themselves up at a mall, hospital, or airplane near you in exchange for a bevy of beautiful virgins?
And you can't be a radical zealot ideologue and think you're going to get it all your way all the time and if you do then that is gridlock and that is bad government, you know?»
In other words, I can't think of a single thing I can recall from VLCers, Ketosis fans, or Zero - Carb zealots about the Inuit that's true and accurate — at least in the context of what their diet actually is and how their metabolism responds to it.
We think it makes for a perfect personal gift for the zodiac zealot (yourself included).
is portraying me in the media, nor am I a religious zealot as the ACLU would like you to think.
(If you think hybrid drivers are zealots, you ain't seen nothing yet.)
He's thinking zealots proliferate and Seltzer prospers.
And here's where I start to sound like a zealot: I actually think this way of reading can enhance our empathy and our open - mindedness by forcing us to stay inside other minds for longer periods.
Perhaps they're just zealots who think everything should be free.
Indexing zealots seem to think the increased fund flows it don't matter while many hardcore active investors assume that indexing is ruining the markets.
Thanks for providing more of that funny «renewable energy zealots» fantasy and wishful thinking.
I perhaps don't think it the worst thing in the world if some of those throwing stones are mindless zealots with nothing but political agendas for a motive.
I certainly would not have described him as any sort of activist as I tend to think that epithet applies to those ill informed zealots we see roaming the streets trying to get us to sign up to some sort of petition or other to wreck western economies by cutting carbon to unrealistic (at present) levels
Howard is certainly encouraging people to think climate science and climate action is the province of zealots - it takes hair splitting to claim there was no such implication in what he said.
I think any reasonable person would think a more direct quote or reference can easily be offered up to justify the claim that Howard has described any scientists as «religious zealots».
The other blight on the litigation process, if taken to the extent thought desirable by the costs zealots, is the expense and situation inherent in the budget review and approval process.
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