Sentences with phrase «zeitgeist do»

But most of the before and after photos in the cultural zeitgeist do.
As far as the movie Zeitgeist does, it is 95 % disinformation and misinformation.
Fortunately, progress in stem - cell research can still continue through non-federal funds, and the prevailing zeitgeist does seem to favor an eventual nullification of the decision: Yesterday, another overreaching legal case bit the dust when an appellate judge dismissed a lawsuit that claimed CERN's Large Hadron Collider risked destroying the Earth.

Not exact matches

If morality does not come from god, then we'd be able to apply our moral intuition to the bible and parcel out which bits we find harmonious with the changing moral zeitgeist.
Note: After doing a lot of reading, research, and thinking on the topics in this post, I wrote a follow - up post about the pagan roots of Christianity here and some of my concluding thoughts about Zeitgeist the movie.
One doesn't have to be blinkered by a sectarian mentality to be worried that yet another major Protestant denomination may be lost to the relativistic zeitgeist.
At the same time, there was so much to do, so much to rebuild, and the regnant American and Israeli zeitgeist allowed so little room for melancholy or lack of confidence.
Now, what I have referred to before as the something, the force, just waiting to spring on the American Zeitgeist would in the early sixties be given throaty articulation by the courtiers surrounding John F. Kennedy, who, while clearly doing little more than making rhetorical gestures, nevertheless managed to hit the cultural nail squarely on the head.
Not to say these incidents aren't important or deserve to be summarily dismissed as a product of the zeitgeist, but where did the outrage get us?
Vegetarianism did not enter the cultural zeitgeist of the West until the 16th and 17th centuries.
In that sense Glastonbury truly does reflect the zeitgeist of Britain in the final days of the first decade of the 21st century - a nation with little interest in politics or the political process but willing to buy anything that's on offer provided it's packaged correctly.
It is not communist because it does not advocate for a society where the commonweal is the commonwealth: Zeitgeist advocates for a technocratic class society.
In the zeitgeist movie they claim the difference between communism is that they don't believe in unlimited resources, though I don't recall communism or any economic theory claiming there's unlimited resources.
But we have to stop assuming men and women are basically the same because they're not, which represents a fundamental change in how neuroscience has been doing business — a major zeitgeist change is afoot.»
Odors define us, yet the scientific zeitgeist is that we don't communicate through pheromones — scents that influence behavior.
Regardless of what any other designer is doing - this, at a time where the Vetements effect is a crack that's still spidering out to several design houses - Sarah Burton continues to do «McQueen», and the thing about that is, no matter what feels zeitgeist - y, it still works and it still feels up - to - the - minute relevant.
She could be the next Imperator Furiosa, in terms of female action characters who grab the zeitgeist by the throat and don't let go.
The variations aren't as wild, but that doesn't mean you don't notice them, the Glasgow zeitgeist keeping things moving as a supreme technician (ever the perfectionist, this final cut apparently took five takes).
Beautifully rendered and assuredly directed, the film raises a lot of questions about the nature of damaged people in a culture of excess and non-stop barrage of information, capturing the zeitgeist in ways that no other film this year has done.
«I don't know if it's something in the zeitgeist that's manifesting itself in these powerful portrayals of female characters in these really big hit movies as well as smaller indie movies.
O.J. was an intoxicating mix of nostalgia and social commentary that captured the zeitgeist not unlike the way the Trial of the Century did 22 years ago.
That this artful mayhem looks both chillingly relevant and borderline cathartic has everything to do with Green Room's scary timeliness — its emergence, in our new age of politically emboldened hatemongers, as an accidental zeitgeist movie.
«Throughbreds» (whose title was singular when it premiered in Sundance's NEXT section in January 2017) may have been overshadowed by «Get Out» at that film festival, but it's no less elegant or lethal, concentrating its satire not on racial mind games (the way Jordan Peele did, seizing the zeitgeist in the process) but a case of blue - blood breeding gone horribly awry.
It's impossible to tell anymore what shows will or won't catch the zeitgeist — Peak TV has killed the water cooler show — but I hope Maniac does at least well enough to give Mizuno and Garner a boost.
The Jinx was compelling and I enjoyed Wild Wild Country, but they didn't engender the same fervor, the same je ne sais quoi that captured the collective attention of the zeitgeist.
While this year's Best Actress race is full of so many contenders from early in the year, like Salma Hayek in Beatriz at Dinner, and Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman, and even Kristen Stewart in Personal Shopper, the women that seem to be capturing the zeitgeist or buzz or excitement right now are the ones who push outward from the barriers that hold them down — characters who do not accept the lot they've been given.
The grey area is whether it's Schmidt's fault or the zeitgeist's that the film doesn't resonate even ten seconds past the finish line, although its crowd - pleasing instincts are unmistakably of trend rather than tradition.
Rarely, however, do those movies weave themselves into the zeitgeist, affixing themselves into the general discourse that surrounds culture and horror.
As recent events in Charlottesville, Va., have demonstrated, when a public figure starts to joke about such things, it allows those with far scarier convictions to relax their own filters, and suddenly, the national discourse has swung into ugly and entirely inappropriate territory — which Dayton and Faris don't shy away from depicting, and which should give the film added resonance this fall (though it almost certainly would've been a full - on zeitgeist phenomenon had the country elected its first woman president).
While the 2016 - 2017 season didn't see any new show rise to Hamilton - like popularity — it's hard for any TV show, film or stage production to reach that level of pop culture zeitgeist — there are plenty of standout showcases of what fans have come to know and love about the New York City theater scene.
The Sixth Sense was a sucker punch of a movie; I didn't see the quality or the cultural zeitgeist coming.
An MGM short subject from 1940 entitled Hollywood: Style Center of the World (which appears as an extra on the Warner Archive DVD release of The Women) does a succinct job of capturing this cultural zeitgeist at its zenith.
At the risk of staking too much on zeitgeist - y generalizations, there did seem to be something radical in the Park City air.
It's cinema that encapsulated 2017's zeitgeist — and perhaps the most provocative one to attempt to do it.
Meyers is in her element when the movie plays like classic narrative cinema, unafraid to go for the corny sentiment that she does with more conviction than the attempts at zeitgeist comedy.
Loaded with great performances and a smart script, Men, Women & Children is able to tap into the zeitgeist of our tech - obsessed culture yet it doesn't feel pedantic or forced.
We don't know if that means that Zeitgeist wasn't actually a real boy, or this machine is used purely to destroy Pinocchio dolls.
Still, I agree that the TV list does a better job of capturing where the TV zeitgeist is these days.
You may be sick of superhero movies this summer, but don't worry, the zeitgeist is already shifting.
Too multiloquent for 140 - character limits, McDonough doesn't use Twitter, and yet he's delivered a darkly satirical zeitgeist movie that demonstrates how short, impulsive messages blasted out into the world can have real consequences.
And it's also still up against Wonder Woman, which was not only one of the top movies of 2017, but also captured the zeitgeist in a much timelier way — though that film's Allan Heinberg - penned script did not get a WGA citation either.
What ideas do you have for bringing this ideal back into the zeitgeist of educational thought?
It could be the zeitgeist, I don't know, but people are talking more about supporting community businesses rather than sucking money out of the community and giving it to American tax dodgers.»
But the image of Charles Chaplin did more than just frighten, bewilder, and excite thousands of onlookers; it bound a select few of them to an engaging narrative that illustrates the zeitgeist of the Progressive Era's waning years.
IMHO, unless you are lucky and hit the zeitgeist and sell a bazillion copies (which I hope you do), marketing and advertising dollars are a must.
There's always the fear that if you don't, you risk missing out on the latest zeitgeist or having secrets spoiled for you by random dopes on the Internet.
On This Weeks Weekly Zeitgeist: Why we do nt deal with rumors.Updates on Twitch and Youtube Lets PlaysA commentary about LtCorbis's rise...
However, this indie journey doesn't simply make nostalgia a reasonably wrapper; it thematically mines the zeitgeist of the last decade for all its price.
He painted large and shared the zeitgeist of those who blurred the lines — of what paintings were and what painting could do — by using found materials and in - your - face imagery.
When Alfred Leslie abandoned Abstract Expressionism, did he leave behind the Zeitgeist?
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