Sentences with phrase «ziploc baggie»

I wrap the bars individually and store in a large ziploc baggie.
Then I store the zucchini cubes in a huge freezer - safe Ziploc baggie.
inside a plastic Ziploc baggie that could double as a «wet bag» in case of a potty accident.
Gluten free all - purpose flour blend: 3 cups of brown rice flour 3 cups of sorghum flour 1.5 potato starch, not flour 1.5 cup of arrowroot powder Blend together and store in an airtight container or large ziploc baggie.
Then I store the zucchini cubes in a huge freezer - safe Ziploc baggie.
i always shred it, place it in a ziploc baggie, then freeze it.
In a ziploc baggie, add your flour, salt, paprika and pepper — close the bag and give it a good shake to mix the ingredients.
Once they are frozen pop them in a ziploc baggie and then you can take them out and use them as you want.
Throw your chicken breast (or whatever you're seasoning) into a Ziploc baggie along with the marinade.
Combine the flour and salt in a ziploc baggie.
Whisk together pear, soy sauce, and the next 6 ingredients in a bowl or ziploc baggie.
If you can wiggle them out of the molds carefully, store them in a Ziploc baggie in the freezer (you can fit 2 - 3 in a sandwich - size bag) so they can harden further outside the molds.
They'll last about a week, uncovered or freeze well for up to one month in a Ziploc baggie.
Store in an ziploc baggie in your gym bag or car for an on - the - go snack idea.
TIP: Carrots last a long time in the fridge if kept properly in the crisper drawer, however, they'll last much longer if you take them out of the plastic bags they come in at the store (even the baby carrot varieties), wash them, dry them off really well, and put them in a Ziploc baggie lined with paper towels.
I usually put the bags into a ziploc baggie, too, for extra waterproof - ness.
Just toss them in a Ziploc baggie and put it somewhere that's easy to find.
Fingerpaint in a Ziploc baggie is a great sensory activity for little ones and it's a hot activity on Pinterest.
Melt dark chocolate in a bowl in the microwave and scoop into a ziploc baggie.
TIP: Carrots last a long time in the fridge if kept properly in the crisper drawer, however, they'll last much longer if you take them out of the plastic bags they come in at the store (even the baby carrot varieties), wash them, dry them off really well, and put them in a Ziploc baggie lined with paper towels.
They'll last about a week, uncovered or freeze well for up to one month in a Ziploc baggie.
Note: for easy travel, put all dry ingredients for each muffin into a ziploc baggie.
I actually keep a ziploc baggie of equal parts flax meal and chia seeds premixed in the cupboard so I can just scoop out 1 / 4c in the evenings when I prep my breakfast for the next day.
Take your superfood snack in a little Tupperware with a Ziploc baggie of cut vegetables or brown rice crackers so you can do da dip in - flight.
Right now I use a Ziploc baggie for my makeup and other things!
These activities, including the student directions, are designed to be printed, given to the student with an envelope or Ziploc baggie and are perfect for morning work, math centers, seat work, homework folders, early finishers, your advance group and so much more!
If you see any worms or eggs around your puppy's rectum, collect them carefully (while wearing rubber gloves) and seal them in a ziploc baggie so that your vet can see them.
Time length is about the same, but I do place those in an airtight container (even a Ziploc baggie will do) and then refrigerate them.
Gather all the pieces to playsets together and place them in a bin or Ziploc baggie, so when the kids go to play, they will be able to find everything they need.
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