Sentences with phrase «ziplock bag»

A ziplock bag is a resealable plastic bag that can be closed by pressing the zipper together. It keeps things inside the bag sealed and protected from dirt, air, or moisture. Full definition
For longer storage, place in ziplock bag in freezer for up to 1 month.
Pour marinade in large ziplock bag with pork tenderloins.
Break the pieces of margarine apart as you combine them in a large ziplock bag with 2 tablespoons flour.
Toss them into ziplock bags in the freezer and just take them out a few hours or the night before you need them.
Each suitcase was meticulously packed and organised, and she even had a great system for using ziplock bags for things like t - shirts and underwear.
The cabinets under women's sinks, her own included, were full of ziplock bags of stuff they never used.
I do use Ziplock bags for many purposes though.
I have a gallon size ziplock bag in the freezer full of the Ghosts and another full of Habaneros.
Searching through my pantry one day looking for inspiration on a cookie, and I started coming across all kinds of last little bits of ingredients to use up... a small ziplock bag of toasted -LSB-...]
3 Using a pastry bag or a plastic ziplock bag with the tip of the bag snipped off, pipe batter into molds, about 1 teaspoon per indentation.
Store in large ziplock bags so you can easily assemble green smoothies, sauteed greens or salads on the fly.
I get large cheap cuts of beef, lots of root veggies, and set up some gallon sized ziplock bags on the counter.
Store cookies in a tightly sealed container at room temperature for up to 7 days, or freeze in a freezer ziplock bag for up to 3 months.
And one more tip: I always keep ziplock bags full of spinach, kale, bananas and berries in my freezer.
In a quart - sized Ziplock bag add the Panko bread crumbs, shredded coconut (or shredded parmesan cheese), and the melted butter.
«One of my favourite things to have prepared is peeled frozen bananas in separate ziplock bags ready for a thick smoothie or «nice - cream» at any time.»
Another handy method is to fill little Ziplock bags with water and to use them as weights.
No big ziplock bags of trial mix under your desk.
On the go, you can either store them damp in a wet bag, or ziplock bag if you don't have a wet bag, and use them damp.
It can also be frozen in an airtight ziplock bag where it will keep indefinitely, however, it is best enjoyed fresh!
The tops go into labeled ziplock bags («small circles», «Glad Brand,» «rectangles», etc.).
He is a truck driver and often it is hard to open ziplock bags without spilling the contents.
I have packed them away in a tightly sealed ziplock bag each year since we first made them and they still smell wonderful!
Since you won't have them for breakfast, you can skip the milk and just pack the cereal flakes into individual ziplock bags.
Place the chicken tenders in a large Ziplock bag along with lemon juice and olive oil.
To freeze, simply cool completely and store in a freezer - safe Ziplock bag.
This includes a system for handsfree pumping, like a comfortable pumping bra, a storage system that works for you, extra pump parts, and anything else (like ziplock bags for storing parts in the fridge at work).
But, while I have everything out, I make up several ziplock bags of egg mixture.
Would it be best to de-stem and de-seed them put them into the food processor then freeze them in airtight ziplock bags?
Store extra pork in the fridge (it'll give you meals for the next week) and consume within 5 - 6 days, otherwise, mix the leftovers with the rest of the cooking liquid and freeze in an airtight container (I use ziplock bags smooshed flat to take up less space).
I like how each sweater dress arrived neatly packed in its own luxurious ziplock bag with StyleWe's logo.
Once they are frozen, you can transfer the balls to a double ziplock bag and pull out just a few at a time whenever you crave oatmeal cookies.
I suggest packing your extra formula in double bagged ziplock bags.
Transfer into large ziplock bags once hard and keep frozen until ready to use, within one month.
My everyday lunch for the last month forever has consisted of the following... One Avocado Ziplock Bag of...
I originally bought these Jared missed ziplock bags and I wanted to find an alternative.
Storage: store in a tight ziplock bag or container in a cool / dark place OR for the longest storage, place in freezer.
Instead of throwing them out, make sure to wash, dry, and freeze them loosely in a big «ole Ziplock bag!
To refrigerate pizza dough place it in a lightly oiled Ziplock bag.
It was a couple of summers ago when my kids came bursting through the door clutching Ziplock bags full of granola bars, water bottles and more.
Did you hear about the advocates that want to ban ziplock bags sent in school lunches?
To prevent freezer burn, first make sure you are using breastmilk storage bags rather than standard Ziplock bags.
Measure it out in full - bottle quantities and store each serving in an individual resealable ziplock bag.
You want them to remain damp, so sealing them in ziplock bags works well.
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