Sentences with word «zombification»

It's probably best to stay indoors until the government commissions Brad Pitt to inject himself with Ebola to find a cure for zombification.
Zombrex must be administered every twelve hours to the infected to prevent zombification, so you have that to worry about.
The quickest way to cure zombification is to inject creativity and strategy into your marketing and public relations initiatives.
The normally fine Bill Pullman is none - too - convincing as Dennis Alan, a Harvard anthropologist who's tasked by an American pharmaceutical company to travel to Haiti and learn the mystery behind a powder believed to cause zombification (the pharmaceutical conglomerate claims that it wants the formula for humanitarian reasons; ha!).
(Man's best friend seems to be man's favorite zombification study subject.)
Perhaps that's why rather than reaching zombification through magic or rampant consumerism, the undead in this film series have been infected by a man - made virus called «rage.»
The town of Glipforg and the world freaks out, after being told by a popular series of movies that alien invaders will try to conquer the planet with death rays and hypnotic zombification.
We talked to him and fellow effects expert Terri Pinnell about mutilation, decapitation and zombification on a budget.
A decade after a crisis America caused, it's somewhat galling to see US banks in excellent shape, while so many European banks remain in limbo... somewhere between the US short sharp shock approach & Japanese zombification.
Four individuals who strangely find themselves not affected by zombification must utilize day - to - day items as weapons to fight off zombie hordes in intense, gruesome melee combat in order to survive.
Her current research spans exhibition design, second - and third - base superarchitecture, institutional zombification, and paradoxes within post-socialist transitional states.
Who knew the vaccine for zombification was tryptophan all along?
You play as Chuck Greene, a father who's daughter Katey has been infected by a zombie virus and requires medical treatment every 12 hours to prevent zombification.
Well before Easter was associated with the zombification of your deity, it was a widely celebrated pagan holiday marking the rebirth and renewal of spring.
It all depends on who you ask, so if the scientist assumes that zombification is accomplished through a virus, then he can develop mathematics along those lines.
Lessee — just after His death (and Zombification) the Holy Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, Jerusalem was laid to waste, and the Jews went into exile to begin a 1900 year long night of persecution, — largely at the hands of Jesus» followers.
However, the three men don't count on her phoenix - like rebirth, which Fargeat orchestrates not as a supernatural feat of zombification but the result of a fierce human survival instinct, with reserves of strength and mental focus that no amount of blood loss can extinguish.
«The Serpent and the Rainbow» was inspired by a book by Wade Davis, a Harvard scientist who investigated the voodoo society of Haiti and identified two of the drugs used for «zombification» - drugs that lower the metabolic rate of their victims so much that they appear dead, and are buried, only to be dug up later and revived.
The down - and - out French population is grotesque to the point of zombification, and the scenery so filthy, you can practically smell it through the celluloid.
The trailer's poignancy was linked to its use of family and the zombification of the little girl; not only do you see her die, but learning that it is her father who has to kill her makes the sequence all the more harrowing.
We're told they represent something about mass consumerism and the zombification of western culture, but for practical purposes they're an arsenal of zombie killing implements.
In Dead Rising, Phenotrans is responsible for creating and distributing an incredibly expensive medicine called Zombrex, which staves off the zombification process.
That can take the shape of home invasion (Funny Games), or slowly going nuts (The Shining), or zombification (Night of the Living Dead), or being literally consumed by someone else (The Silence of the Lambs).
Turns out her affliction is due to zombification, a curse of the voodoo - practicing natives.
The path to her zombification is somewhat complicated.
For instance, because the movie begins after Beth's death has already occurred, the audience never gets an idea of what she was like prior to her zombification, and that would have gone a long way in providing some context to her bizarre, post-death behavior.
That the picture is born from a joke on a television show offers endless possibilities for interpretation, best among them the tidy read that television is still the best means towards auto - zombification.
Virtual learning environments and the zombification of learning and teaching in British universities
Just like a bad case of zombification, this thing just keeps coming back for more.
Not even other supernatural Sims are immune to zombification!
This new strain has sped up the zombification process, what used to take days now takes mere seconds.
Several years have passed since the Wilamette incident, and while Frank West was able to save America from a zombie apocalypse, the cause of zombification was not completely contained.
Cut off from the rest of the world, only four individuals who strangely find themselves immune to zombification have the power to protect the remaining survivors from the horrors of the island, to discover what's really going on and find a way to escape before their own fatal ends.
Zombification: Mix a special elixir to create shuffling, brain - hungry monsters of your very own.
The antiviral spray will cancel this effect if caught in time, but zombification is so short lived you'll often just wait it out until you can resurrect them with fresh health and ammo, which incidentally is as simple as holding a button for a few seconds — hardly a fitting punishment for death.
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