Synonyms for «cuase»

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Sentences with «cuase»

  • Religion is more often then not simply the excuse in fact wars are always cuased by a desire for more land resources and power not religion. (
  • HEllo my LO is 5 weeks old I had to give hime supplament because I was in thw hospital and then the meds I was on qas harmful for him now im trying to put him back to the breast he'll latch on fo like 5 minute than start pulling back and shaking his head cant rent a pump cuase im low on cash wat else can I do to increase my supply and how to gey him bak on the breast longet (
  • If you want to make common cuase with Labour's social liberasl, as I hope you will, then I think you need to be more willing to give your own party — and the Coalition government — some stick. (
  • (see all sentences)
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