Synonyms for «kinship groups»

"Kinship groups" refers to a group of people who are related to each other through blood ties or marriage. They might include immediate family members like parents, siblings, and children, as well as extended relatives such as cousins, aunts, and uncles. These groups often have a strong bond and support system within them. Full definition
Synonyms for individual words can be found below.





Sentences with «kinship groups»

  • The mapping of territorial boundaries between Indigenous nations, which continues today, can cause tension and conflict between kinship groups that have relationships extending across these boundaries. (
  • Attachment theory is a theory about relationships, based on the idea that human beings evolved in kinship groups and that human survival was enhanced by the maintenance of secure bonds between parents and children and with members of the wider group [i](Holmes, 1993). (
  • In the move to agricultural sodcries, marriage became the vehicle for creating stable kinship groups that would control land and exchange goods. (
  • (see all sentences)
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