Sentences with word «neuropathological»

The word "neuropathological" refers to something related to the study or understanding of diseases or disorders that affect the nerves or the brain. Full definition
A concussion may result in neuropathological changes but the acute clinical symptoms largely reflect a functional disturbance in the brain rather than structural injury.
Sawchenko showed that a receptor for the stress hormone, corticotropin - releasing factor (CRF), is directly involved in modifying certain brain proteins in such a way as to contribute to the development of plaques and tangles, the two defining neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease.
Taken together the findings in this rare patient with PT21 confirm the obligatory role of APP in the clinical, biochemical, and neuropathological findings of AD in DS.
By combining the transcriptomic analysis to a functional approach, we have revealed a yet unknown neuropathological mechanism of DM1 that links gene defects in cells of the neural lineage to dysfunction in neuritic outgrowth and synaptogenesis.
Review of «Intrastriatal Transplantation of Adenovirus - Generated Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Treating Neuropathological and Functional Deficits in a Rodent Model of Huntington's Disease» from Stem Cell Translational Medicine by Stuart P. Atkinson.
(B) This is a coronal neuropathological specimen of an infarct in the left lateral PFC (note the hemorrhagic conversion in the cortical mantle).
Decreased mRNA editing has been reported in patients with neuropathological diseases like epilepsy, schizophrenia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and several types of cancer, including glioblastomas (brain tumors).
ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig's disease) is a common adult - onset neuropathological disease.
Outcome: Alaskan Husky Encephalopathy (AHE) has been previously proposed as a mitochondrial encephalopathy based on neuropathological similarities with human Leigh Syndrome (LS).
By contrast, 5D12 was largely ineffective (Figure 8), consistent with its weaker or nonexistent effects against several neuropathological and neurodegenerative outcomes.
Existing diagnostic screening results for known AD cases (identified through clinical and neuropathological factors), showed diagnostic sensitivity was between 71 percent and 87 percent while specificity ranged from 44 percent to 70 percent.
A major goal of my research is to probe the activity of functional network systems as a novel cross-species translational language that can be related to specific behaviours, cognitive processes and neuropathological traits.
Lewy bodies (LB) and other intracellular α - synuclein (AS) aggregates accumulate in the aging nervous system, and a high burden of such aggregates are hallmark neuropathological signs of Parkinson's disease (PD), Lewy body dementia (LBD), multiple systems atrophy (MSA), and other synucleinopathies.
Objective: To determine the relationship between history of cancer and odds of dementia proximate to death and neuropathological indices of AD.
It is postulated that the underlying neuropathological processes, that is, aggregation of α - synuclein and the formation of Lewy bodies, may be initiated outside the CNS, and spread to the brainstem via autonomic projections (for recent reviews, see [51,52]-RRB-.
The only way to answer questions related to the fundamental genetic and neuropathological aspects of autism spectrum disorder is to study brain tissue from individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
These alterations may initiate and / or potentiate directly or indirectly neuropathological changes in the brain.
Intrastriatal Transplantation of Adenovirus - Generated Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Treating Neuropathological and Functional Deficits in a Rodent Model of Huntington's Disease» from Stem Cell Translational Medicine by Stuart P. Atkinson.
Neuropathological findings suggest that a novel prion strain was created.
Neuropathological specimen in (B) compliments of Professor Dimitri Agamanolis, Akron Children's Hospital.
Those mice then developed the neuropathological phenotypes of Down syndrome, while mice implanted with Down syndrome neurons did not.
«There is a significant overlap between subjects with schizophrenia and controls for every imaging (and neuropathological) parameter,» Oxford psychiatrist Paul Harrison wrote in a review article last year.
Most of the neuropathological changes produced by Bb infection were prevented by dexamethasone, a broad - spectrum steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, whereas the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam was generally ineffective or only partially effective.
The neuropathological examinations were conducted by Ann McKee, MD, professor of neurology and pathology at BUSM.
In addition, they observed that decreased myelination could be a neuropathological consequence of binge eating.
From a neuropathological standpoint we have enough difficulty, during life, diagnosing dementia and Alzheimer's in patients.»
As an experimental approach, I believe in the need for the combined molecular, behavioural and neuropathological / neuroanatomical study of animal models of disease and CNS dysfunction.
No other institution in Canada or around the world has the broad array of clinical, neuropathological, neuroimaging, neurochemistry, neuropsychological, sports medicine and engineering expertise under a single «roof» that's required to address the problem of sports - related concussion.
These neuropathological mechanisms may bear clinical significance as related to the functional alteration of neuromuscular connections associated with DM1.
Its neuropathological hallmark is increased neurofibrillary tangles in the frontal and temporal cortices mixed with 3R and 4R tau isoforms.
Moreover, cell - to - cell transmission of «infectious» AS via the synapse is emerging as an important candidate mechanism for progression of AS pathology, [28 - 30] making antibody - mediated clearance of secreted / exocytosed AS a potential mechanism of interrupting the neuropathological spread.
This early hint that age - related changes in EP2 action in microglia might be promoting some of the neuropathological features implicated in Alzheimer's was borne out in subsequent experiments for which Andreasson's team used mice genetically predisposed to get the mouse equivalent of Alzheimer's, as well as otherwise normal mice into whose brains the scientists injected either A-beta or a control solution.
RESULTS: Neither neuropathological nor biochemical examinations showed amyloid deposit in the brain of this immunized patient.

Phrases with «neuropathological»

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