Sentences with phrase «quantity of»

It is usually caused by eating large quantities of food in one sitting or on doing exercise directly after eating.
Follow this up with small quantities of water, not too much too soon.
People with binge eating disorder regularly eat large quantities of food in a short timeframe and feel unable to stop themselves from eating.
Most such systems rely on vast quantities of data — images, text, or audio — that enable the computer to discover patterns within them.
Ready to deliver a high quantity of high - quality content?
The researchers also find that nuclear energy prevents emissions of huge quantities of greenhouse gases.
If he suddenly starts consuming large quantities of water and also shows other symptoms, immediate veterinary consultation is indicated.
So, this resume format 2018 of resume sample is one of the favorites for those who like social media and send lots of quantities of information through interviews on the internet.
Its activities include the investigation of new programming concepts to better exploit computing power and the participation in research projects dealing with efficient and reliable management of large quantities of data.
A massive quantity of small reef fish blanket the wall is it appears to come alive.
Between the second and fifth day after giving birth, it's normal for your breasts to become larger, heavier, and a little sore as they begin producing greater quantities of milk.
This decision led steel producers to rush to buy increased quantities of raw materials in order to boost production before the restriction comes into force.
Shopping for expensive homes is different because there is a limited quantity of high priced real estate.
Think about it; they're expected to learn vast quantities of information in a short period of time, and apply that information to a variety of assignments.
Almost as important as consuming large quantities of protein.
The taste of this dog food is very good and contains low quantity of fat which is essential for giving a lean structure to the body of your dog.
Remember you may not be able to spend significant quantity of time with your partner, hence there's information you collect from observation in few meetings.
A parent who is unable to spend large quantities of time with the child, or who has never cared for a baby, might be at a disadvantage in some cases.
The final issue is the enormous quantity of energy involved.
A higher velocity means the same quantity of money is being used for a greater number of transactions.
We've built a lab at the museum that is able to get at these questions by measuring very, very small quantities of material.
The larger the cube, the greater the volume of material that can be manufactured for the same quantity of CO2 emissions.
Unless perhaps you're a new mother who wants to produce vast quantities of milk, or is having trouble with lactation.
Different species of trees have different rates of CO2 uptake, but generally faster growth requires greater quantities of CO2.
For what time you will read such quantity of books?
A diet with reduced quantities of protein, calcium, and sodium, that also does not make an acidic urine, is the ideal diet to feed.
We are all becoming more educated about reducing the total quantity of sugar in our diet for our better health, but are the sweetener - alternatives any better?
It would require a lot of cows to match the huge quantities of oil and coal extracted from the ground each day.
The production of such bottles uses vast quantities of energy and natural resources, as well as contributes to pollution.
Over the past 150 years human activities have released increasing quantities of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
It's incredibly healthy and contains good quantities of vital ingredients.
I followed this diet for about 8 months... I lost about 70 pounds, because I was very strict about quantity of food intake, but not about food type.
Have you ever noticed some people are able to stay organized while getting a massive quantity of work accomplished, while others appear to be busy but never actually produce results?
They happily convert carbon compounds in their food to carbon dioxide, and also to very substantial quantities of methane, which is much worse than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.
I'm sure I've told you in the past my least favorite thing about being grain free is the use of mass quantities of nut flours, coconut flour, and eggs.
We will not sacrifice quality of life for quantity of life, but we will take each and every successful treatment as a victory.
I love the idea of producing limited quantities of products so that each line is unique.
If this huge nation has another large harvest shortfall, it will likely have to import substantial quantities of grain to maintain food price stability.
Very small quantities of alcohol still have a negative effect on your body.
They will need to provide appropriate quantities of writing materials.
In the middle of the last century, health care professionals stated that consuming adequate quantities of vitamin D is essential for keeping your bones and teeth healthy.
The storage significant quantities of heat is not limited to the oceans.
Factory farming has allowed for the production of large quantities of meat at a good price, but there are consequences to this method that can't be ignored.
Don't expect to achieve those numbers in real - world driving, but over most journeys the diesel should sip significantly lower quantities of fuel than the petrol.

Phrases with «quantity of»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z